Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bigger Than Life

Today's Wonders of the World are... Gigantic Bizarre-O Models That Make Us Feel Small!
Like this one.

Think what you could make with all that Playdough! A Playdough house! A big squishy playdough bed!

I love huge fake toys like that, and huge fake food and anything that's oversized. Like the huge tape measure at a hardware store in Simpsonville, SC, which I meant to photograph, but forgot. Oops.

Weird huge-mongous things allow me to pretend that I'm a character in one of my favorite children's books. Have you read the one I'm talking about?

You should.

I've shown you my most favorite oversized fruit before.

I blush every time I see that thing, but when I make myself believe it's a real live peach, my mouth starts watering.

I also like this picture.

I like the big fake lobster, but aren't those girls gorgeous?
I took that picture at the beach on Saturday with Sarah and her buddies. Such a fun and smart and sweet group of young ladies. And they didn't even mind humoring me by posing for a photo with a giant lobster wearing a pirate patch! Yey girls! You're a Wonder of the World yourselves!

Here's a giant hot dog at one of my favorite Greenville places.

They must not like to change the letters on that sign. I took that picture in April and they were still pushing the holiday punch.

And who doesn't like a giant cow?

Or a giant cow, in another form.

Yum, hamburgers.

Of course, if you're a vegetarian, there are gigantic vegetables out there for you too!

But you better be careful. You never know when you might get eaten yourself!

It's the Jonahs sisters!
If you have a child who watches the Disney channel, you'll get the joke. Ha ha.
If not, just appreciate the dental work on that enormous shark. And the wistful expressions on its dinner.

Have a Wonder-ful Wednesday everybody!
Love, Becky

PS. Thanks to my flickr friends for their public photos: Drew Myers, Brother O'Mara, Bravo Six Nine Delta, and ninjacowboy12.


Anonymous said...

In Kingsport, Tennessee you can see an oversize burger and fries at Pals drive-in (see - the trees and bushes are artwork, but that's the actual building. Note the car to see the scale!

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Hey Lisa!
Thank you for the link! Yey! More big food!

Unknown said...

Cute post, as always.

Sherry said...

Great photos Becky -- I thought you were calling Big Boy himself a Giant Cow!!!...well if the name fits....

We have the Giant apple here in southern Ontario --

And I loved The Borrowers....lovely memory!

La Belette Rouge said...

Love all your big fun. And, ah, the Big Boy. Brings back good memories!!

Fete et Fleur said...

You've just made me fall in love with large fruits and vegetables!

I love the idea of being in the world of The Borrowers.

xx Nancy

Anonymous said...

These are great! There are so many "bigger than life" things to see.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Hey folks! How I missed you while I was gone! Does that mean I'm addicted to this blog and you people? I guess so! You folks and coffee. You're quite a pair.

Sherry, I certainly didn't mean to call Big Boy a cow! Big Boy, don't hate me. I didn't mean it. You're not a cow in another form. You're a perfectly handsome plastic boy wearing checkered overalls! Nice blue shoes, by the way.

Aimz said...

oooh what a cool place! I love that playdoh can :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Rebecca,
These crack me up!! I once had a friend that had a kips big boy in his back yard. This all makes me smile!

Yes the girls with the lobsters are cute. The lobster thinks so too!

Rosemary said...

Hi Rebecca,
Your blog puts a smile on my face everyday!!
It's like land of the Giants today.
You probably don't remember that show.
You would love the giant thermometer in Barstow, or the Giant Dinosaur near Palm Springs.
Have a great day!

David Ebright said...

Becky - Funny Post. Looks like Bob has been eatin' a few too many 'Big Boys' - He also looks a little like Elvis - even worse, he looks just like my neighbor (who recently asked to borrow my ladder - look at the belly - think of a ladder rung - whaddya think I said.......)

I'm temporarily buried - so I'll need to write back later - just lettin' you know that I bought & read your book - French By Heart. It was terrific!!! D

cotedetexas said...

Funny, funny pictures!!!

thanks for the comment, too!

May Vanderbilt said...

You know, I don't know a single outsized thing in Florida, where I grew up. Maybe our personalities are so outsized that we don't need any.

But in California there is a restaurant that's a giant artichoke!

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

I've seen that peach water tower. And if you've ever watched the movie, "James and the Giant Peach"--it has the same effect. Just thinking of it makes me hungry.

Susie Q said...

What fun!! I love this. Maybe I need some more BIG things to stand next to...then I would look like I was small...something I wish I was!

Oh! I got your book and it is going with me on vacation Saturday! I am so excited to read it!
