Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gorgeous Wonders

Let me introduce you to today's Wonder of the World! This person has an amazing smile, is easy on the eyes, and is loved by everyone he or she meets!

It's my friend Mittie!
That's her friend George Clooney beside her. I'll get to him in a minute.

Mittie works in the youth ministry office at my church and is a second mom to our big group of teenagers. She even makes time now and then to go to their track meets and games. It's just the kind of person she is. I love her.

Mittie has an especially happy look about her in the picture, doesn't she? The photo was snapped while George was playing basketball in the church gym during a break from the shooting of the movie Leatherheads, which was filmed (partly) here in Greenville and Greer. Right on my very own stomping grounds! Mittie took video of the basketball game. I've seen it and it's great. It shows nothing about his athletic ability since she spent the whole time following his lovely face around, but really, who cares about basketball?

Mittie's amazing.

Now, on to George.
Don't think I'm a stalker just because I'm showing you this.

Yes, even George is a human being with normal physical needs.

And here he is again.

Oh, Renee Z. was there too. Here they are just a few weeks ago when the movie came out. They came to thank everyone and pick up the keys to the city. I was upstairs in the library at the time, writing my little heart out. But I heard that when they spoke, they talked about the weeks they spent here and how much they loved Greenville and Greer.

What's not to love? Take a look at Main Street, Greenville. Isn't it pretty? I'll show you Greer next week. It's beautiful too.

And here's the Poinsett Hotel, which they transformed into another hotel for the movie. (On a side note, Sarah had her prom there.)

Very nice.
But the best part of Greenville is right off Main Street, the Reedy River Falls. There was an arts festival downtown this weekend and we took pictures from the bridge.

Guess what used to be at that site. A textile mill of course! This was the Textile Jewel of the South, remember?
Here's the view off the bridge.

Click on it for a better look.

Don't let George and Renee have all the fun. Come for a visit! But if you can't make the trip, this might be fun. Mittie says its cute, but she may have meant George.


May Vanderbilt said...

Forget George Clooney. YOUR TOWN IS SO BEAUTIFUL!

Gosh, here I am putting on airs about the beauty of San Francisco and then I go and see something like that.

I'll bet a three-bedroom there doesn't even cost $1.5 million.

I have to go now and rethink my pledge to live in California...

Anonymous said...


Susan Sandmore said...

Wow, Greenville certainly is pretty! I can't believe I've never been there (after 36 years of living one state over). That bridge would give me a heart attack, though. It'd be like... Grandfather Mountain all over again.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Ooh--Grandfather Mountain! That is scary! No, Susan, you have nothing to fear with this bridge. Very solid and not a bit rickety--except when everyone jumps at one time.

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Oh that view is so pretty! Thank you so much for visiting! I am going to have to check your book out, I have one written about my time in France that I would LOVE to get published, how cool for you! I can't wait to read it! I can't get enough of "French Books" I swear I have read them all.

Anonymous said...

You do live in a beautiful part of the world! But sheesh....George Clooney...swoon :)

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Hi Parisienne farmgirl! I enjoy your site. I'm so glad you stopped by mine! Come by often and say hello!

And Stephanie, yes, George made Greenville even more beautiful, at least for a short while. We enjoyed it while it lasted!

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Be still my heart! Both Greenville AND George Clooney here on your blog, what is not to love?!

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your kind words! So glad to meet you! And wow, George Clooney?! Happy day for me!!!



Sherri said...

I came back to read up on your blog...isn't that bridge new(like within the last year?) Freda(my mil)told me about it one time saying it was finished but I can't remember if that is the place it was at or not. I've just been around that part of town a couple of times.

Unknown said...

Oh, how did I miss this post! Thanks for pointing it out today in your poinsettia post!