
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Light A Candle!

This morning I've got to brave my messy linen closet and search for a few candles. Know why?

Flickr photo by Kirsten M Lentoft
I've got two great reasons!
Number One:
It's Renee's birthday! Happy Birthday Renee!

Flickr photo by wishymom
This song's for you, my dear!
(I was going to pick the Happy Birthday song, but I thought you might enjoy this one too. Sandy Mastroni introduced it to me a few days ago on her blog and I'm crazy about it. It reminded me of the little birds on your pretty blog header.)

By the way, if you don't know Renee, you should hop over to Circling My Head and introduce yourself! She's a brave, thoughtful, loving friend and blogger, and she's having to deal with some rotten health issues that are just no fair!
So Renee, I'll light a few candles for you tonight.

And the other ones are for someone else I love dearly. I'm sure you love her too.
Mother Earth!
This brings me to Number Two:

Have you heard about the Switch Off Your Lights For Earth Hour? It's tonight from 8:30-9:30. We're planning to join in. You can click on the poster above to learn more.
Have a great weekend, friends.
Love, Becky


  1. Happy birthday, Renee!!!!! May this year be better than the last!

  2. Happy, happy birthday to Renee and to dear mother earth.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Our lights will be out! Here we turn out the lights from 8:30 -9:30 and I can't wait. Lights Out Y'all!!!

  4. Becky you little doll you.

    Now, I happen to own that CD. Are they not fabulous.

    And the littlest bird is one of my favourite songs of all.

    How things come to light, not a coincidence for sure. Love and energy passing around the universe.


    I love it.

  5. Sitting in the dark right now! Happy Earth Hour!

  6. Hmmm...maybe I'll go find a lovely smelly candy and light it right now! :)

    Hope you stop on by for my 1st Blogoversary/100th post celebration! I'm even having a giveaway! Do come on over! Everyone is invited!!! :)

  7. HI Becky (:)
    Just wanna say


    its been awhile..
    hugs, Patty

  8. Those vote earth kids are adorable!

  9. Hi Rebecca,
    Happy belated birthday to Renee!!
    Hope you had a nice weekend!


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