
Monday, March 30, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Candle!

Flickr photo by ElvisParsley
Yes, I know I featured a mini-blog on two candlelit celebrations just two days ago, but I've still got candles on the brain, probably because Saturday was such a flop.
Would you like to hear about it?
(Nod your head.)
Why I'd be happy to share!

If you read the blog on Saturday, you know that we Ramseys were really pumped about Lights Off for Earth Hour. At least I was!

I had such high hopes. I'd gathered candles and board games and envisioned a TV- free, computer- free, lights- free hour of family fun. Then Ben left us to go off with friends.
(What? A sixteen year old doesn't want to sit in the dark with his family and play Clue?)
Todd had convinced (threatened?) Sam into going along with my plans, so maybe my mother-joy could still be saved.
Two minutes before switch off time, I reached for the matches and... they were gone! We turned on every light in the house searching and finally gave up.
"Don't worry!" Todd assured me. "What kind of man would I be if I couldn't make fire?"

Uh oh. This would not end well.

First he tried lighting notebook paper on fire from the kitchen stove. All we got was a kitchen full of smoke and teeny tiny ash snowflakes from the smoldering yet never flaming paper. Too bad we didn't ask Tanner how he did it back when he was a puppy. (Oh yes he did.)

Next Todd tried lighting the paper with the grill and couldn't get that to work either. I should explain that my husband is King Of The Barbecue Grill, so either this was a message from God or just a run of bad luck. But Todd would not be deterred. He was talking about searching the yard for sticks and stones when I begged him to just forget it. Sam had found the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards on TV, so we ended up sitting in the dark and watching screaming children and Disney channel stars.
Not quite what I had in mind, but at least we were on the couch together.

Now, back to candles...
Of course they're perfect for birthdays.

Ah, there you are Sam, in France. Back in the good old days before you'd ever heard of Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel.

As the kids got bigger, the candles did too!

Forgive the mess, pretty please. I had no idea one day I'd be blasting my photos all over the internet!
I'm fine with large candles (you may remember the timber size ones in Lourdes if you've read French By Heart) but I'm not sure I'd want to live in one!

Flickr photo by Aggtastic

I love candles at church. They really do set a reverent mood.

Flickr photo by ira lens
In my Sunday school class of fourth graders, we always light a candle to remind us of God's presence. At the end of the hour we let one of the kids put it out (which they LOVE, especially if the wax drips or spatters!) We watch the smoke trail and disappear, and remember that God goes with us.

Candles make everything more ethereal.
Even Homer Simpson.

Flickr photo by pottlukk

I'm not sure if I like candles that don't look like candles.

Flickr photo by chirpingbee

I mean, are you really supposed to burn them?

Flickr photo by Slynns
I hope not!

I love it when a candle becomes art just by burning.
Like this.

Flickr photo by somethingpurple3

And this.

Flickr photo by gravitythread

I also love luminaries.

Flickr photo by Kahscho
Don't you?

Speaking of luminaries, enjoy a little serenade by Lumiere before you go. Really, be my guest!

Have a wonder-full Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. That alien candle is really spooky

  2. He Rebecca,
    I love candles. I light them almost every night.
    You can never have too many, except on your birthday cake.
    Have a great week,

  3. Sorry your Earth Hour didn't go as planned! We played Scrabble by candlelight, but by the end it became a game of squabble...

    BTW, you can light a piece of dry spaghetti on the stove and use it for a match. We used to do that before they started making those torch thingies.

  4. I'm laughing because our pastor made us sing "This Little Light of Mine" at church yesterday. And your house is NOT messy... come over to mine and you'll feel much better.

  5. I'm reading, I'm reading! Congrats on winning Sandra Evertson paper slippers give-away. Her work is awesome.

  6. Ah, to sit in the dark and play clue or watch the cast of HS Musical get slimed...I totally appreciate your conundrum!!!

  7. I'm a candle-a-holic, but I'm glad I'm not forced to use them on a regular basis. :)

  8. Becky your kids are so cute. I love your blog and wish everyone could see it.

    Thank you for everything beautiful friend.


  9. Well, at the very least you made a great memory spending the time trying to light the candles.

  10. Wow, those are some fascinating songs. I love that song "This Little Light of Mine". I used to have a very sweet boyfriend who would sing that to me sometimes. I thought it was so cute! :)

  11. Right now, candles and I are on the outs. I got this fancy one for Christmas and have been burning it and burning it. Then, yesterday, I realized it had turned my whole wall black.

    I've been painting ever since. But maybe I shouldn't blame candles. Perhaps this was a user error.

  12. Becky I love the picture of your son when he is a little boy and he is so happy.



  13. Wonderful pics! I love the look of candles, but am pretty fearful of they don't get lit all that often.

  14. OH BECKY~
    What? A sixteen year old doesn't want to sit in the dark with his family and play Clue
    OH I love it(:) You'll post some fishies soon (:) I'll be back big hugs,Patty

  15. Hi Becky,

    I love candles too! All shapes and sizes (maybe not the spooky looking ones). I have the song "this little light of mine" running through my head now. I guess it could be worse.


  16. Oh my, what a great story! :-) LOVE candles!!!!

  17. There are gardenia candles burning in my house at this moment!! Love candles!

  18. There are gardenia candles burning in my house at this moment!! Love candles!


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