
Friday, March 27, 2009

Rubber Band Man

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Rubber Band!

Photo by
Is that not the prettiest rubber band ball you've ever seen? I'd love to have a whole basket of those in different sizes on my coffee table. I found them at Piece of Peace, on Etsy. (Where else?!) The kits contain new bands and a sphere to wrap, and I bet they'd be a fun project to keep Sam busy for maybe fifteen minutes or so this summer. Of course my boys would probably pick the bands off one by one to fling at each other, and Tanner the Slobber Dog might gnaw the balls to pieces, but anyway...where were we?
Oh yeah. Sorry.
I ask you, who hasn't enjoyed stringing rubber bands into fun designs?

Flickr photo by akwdragon
You haven't? Sweetheart, it's not too late! Get a hammer and some nails and start stringing!
Or you could just let the bands fall where they may.

Flickr photo by ladyhawker
It's Mr. Bill! Oh nooo! Remember Mr. Bill?
Mr. Bill might need a rubber band man friend to play with. Knowing how injury prone the guy is, why not go ahead and make a little tropical island universe for him to recuperate in? Look, there's even a rubber band dog to keep him company! (I wonder if the dog gnaws on himself?)

Flickr photo by Amy Watts

Rubber bands might give you a lot of artistic freedom.

Flickr photo by richszu2003
Get it?

Flickr photo by nicolekenney
That piece of art by KS Rives makes me hungry for pasta.

I know some art should be experienced, but this makes me a little nervous.

Flickr photo by angimangi
I'd hate to get tangled up in a fancy art gallery and start flapping around like a fish.

I might risk it though if that net was showing with Patrick Gunderson's work at the Infusion Gallery in Los Angeles starting next week (April 1-25, 2009.) I discovered him just a few days ago when I ran across his flickr photos.
He does digital art that blows my mind.
This rubber band one is my favorite.

Flickr photo by PatrickGunderson
Isn't that beautiful?
Click on his website to see more. It might be music to your eyes.

Flickr photo by stu_wp
Speaking of music, enjoy the Spinners Rubber Band Man before you bounce on out of here!

Have a wonder-full weekend, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Cute post. That talented guy in the video now plays "Crab Man" on My Name is Earl. BTW, eating rubber bands can be fatal to most animals, so always keep that in mind. Have a great weekend! Susan

  2. Yep, you're right Susan. We'd have to keep them out of his reach. I probably sound a little cavalier about Tanner because of the catalog of crazy things he's eaten (tin jewelry box, tub of spackling paste, countless boxes and wrappers and bags.) He's taught himself to open doors and cabinets, and has luckily survived. But we won't give up trying our best to protect him from himself!

  3. Now that's different! I've never seen rubber band art. I do love those rubberband balls - we've been working our way through one for some time now.

  4. That is cute! I know why you like that rubberband ball in the first photo! It matches the colors in your circus poster that you brought from France! :)

  5. Wow. I never got to do so many cool things with a rubber band. How awesome!

  6. After that commercial came out I had to download Rubberband Man onto my iPod. Sooo much fun!!

  7. Hi Becky,

    My kids had wayyy too much fun with rubber bands years ago. Won't go there-hehe!
    That commercial made me laugh every time I saw it. Thank you, I needed that.


  8. That's crab man? Cool!
    I am so lucky--I've never had to buy a single rubber band in my life--they always seem to be around when I need one.

  9. The only rubber bands I didn't love were the ones the orthodontist insisted I wear IN MY MOUTH.

    Do they even make kids do that anymore? It was horrible!

  10. I'm loving that rubber band board! That is just too cool. I probably would stand there for hours arranging and rearranging.


  11. Where on earth do you come up with these ideas?! Great post as usual.
    One can also use rubberbands weapons to shoot one's siblings when one was a kid. Not that I would know anyone who would do that.

  12. What great rubber band art! I keep a rubber band ball in my desk and while it isn't colorful it does provide a little memory keepsake for me. About 7 years ago my daughter ended up in my office with me one afternoon and while waiting, she took all of my rubber bands and made them into a ball. The next day I reached in my drawer for a rubber band but they were all in a wad. At the time I was kind of frustrated but I kept the ball and now it takes me back to when she was younger and still living at home. Oh I am getting teary-eyed over a rubber band ball!!

  13. Hi Becky!
    Three cheers for rubber~bands. I find them the most useful inventions!
    Like you, I'm a BIG FAN!!!


  14. Do you know the song Rubberband Girl by Kate Bush?

  15. I love that rubberband art mom! Cool post.

  16. Did you know we have a rubber band ball collection?


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