
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cha Cha Cha Changes............................. Big Changes to Come!

Flickr photo by granth, creative commons
Careful where you step, my friends!
After much thought and way too many cups of coffee, I've decided to make some big changes here. Though I've thoroughly enjoyed my last two years, one month, and eleven days of blogging [399 posts (!)--which means 399 times to hear from you funny, smart, beautiful people (!)] my interests have changed, and so my blog must change as well.

But you've heard that line from me before, right?
When I first started dipping my toes into the blogging world, I was fresh off the book tour with French By Heart, chatting up the wonders of such things as Le Café, Moss, (La Mousse) and not the Kate Kind, and Crèpes.
Then, a year and a few months later, my inner wonder woman switched gears to a more personal blog, in which I blogged about such weighty topics as No, These Aren't My Gallstones, All the Weird Things My Dog Has Eaten, and The Joys of Freezing My Bahonka Off at Baseball Practice.
I have no idea how you'll survive without posts of such monumental importance, but you're going to have to, because I'm-a-movin' on up. To the east side. To a deluxe apartment in the sky...
Well, sort of.

I'm finally going back to where my heart has always been. Where I expect it will always be.

Way back in the dark ages, when Sam wasn't even a tickle in my womb and Ben and Sarah would still let me pick out their clothes, back when I was a high school chemistry teacher secretly jotting down poetry about the precipitates I made in lab when I should have been grading papers, I used to spend my summers writing devotions for The Upper Room and other similar mags. I got a real kick out of finding the fingerprints of God in my crazy life and writing about how I experienced God in the people I came across and in the things I read or saw or heard.

In the past year or so, I've been returning to that sort of spiritual writing in my work life, and you may have noticed that I've already shared a little bit of it here as well. Writing about experiencing God in the ordinary-ness of life is the most fun, meaningful thing I can imagine doing, and I'm excited to look toward devoting my blog to this theme as well. And lucky for me, Wonders Never Cease still fits!

So if spiritual topics are of interest to you, I sure hope that you'll stick around. I'm going to use my blog as sort of a devotional time for me, but don't expect sermons or anything stuffy. I'm sure kids and dogs and coffee and general wackiness will find their way into my posts. That's where God spends a lot of time, after all. Oh, and you'll probably also see a few bits of France from time to time, since our years there sort of turned my spiritual life upside down.

I'm planning to continue blogging Monday - Wednesday - Friday, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and reflections as I explore my own. Goodness knows, I don't think I've got it all figured out. I'm counting on y'all to join in the mystery with me, to offer your perspectives and experiences and thoughts.
I hope to see you Friday!

Much love to each of you,

PS. I'll also be tweeting away like a little blue jay, (the nice kind, not the mean ones that keep dive bombing our goofy Tanner dog) so if you're into that, feel free to find me there!


  1. We are all, blogs too, works of art in progress... or are we wonders never ceasing? Either way, I look forward to Monday, Wednesday and Friday, here.

  2. Hi Becky,

    I'll be a following along. I don't blog or visit blogs as much as i used to in the beginning. Life gets in the way-hehe.
    I applaud your decision. I have lost some followers when I mention prayer, miracles, GOD. That is o.k.
    I know God reads it!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    huge hugs,

  3. I have always attributed your blog title to the spiritual. It seemed to be a proclamation and I pictured it with an exclamation point. I will LOVE to come by for a thrice weekly dose of GOODNESS. And with a dash here and there of your goings on and experiences will be ideal. Thank you for the nice big font too. Makes me rethink my font. Have fun in the new endeavor.

  4. Well, you certainly have the perfect blog name! I am a fan of everything you write.

  5. Sounds great! I always thought of you as a spiritual writer anyway! : )

  6. Oh wonderful! It sounds great! You will definitely see me back here. That is right up my ally. :)

  7. Lovely! Lovely! Lovely! You know I'll be sticking around. :)

  8. You're an inspiration, Becky! One thing I love about blogging is that we own the rights to change it, shake it up, re-prioritize, or even stop it altogether - any time we want. I know I've turned at least one friend onto your writing, and it was your spiritual insights-in-the-ordinary, as you say, that drew her in the first place. I can't wait to keep reading.

  9. I am looking forward to seeing God through your eyes!

  10. I'll be here. Your blog is one of my very favorites to follow. My spririt could use some food.

    I live in a dry and weary land. I have for 12 years. Ir's been tough.


  11. This sounds WONDERfully delightful--I can't wait!

  12. This sounds wonderful. I remember reading The Upper Room as a child. I, for one, will still follow you. I am glad you are being led in this direction and look forward to more wonders. Take care, Susan.

  13. Thanks for the support, y'all! Your comments touch me.
    And Nancy, I hope I can carry water to your dry, weary land. I know we can all use a long refreshing drink!

  14. I'm looking forward to some Upper Room wonders that never cease!

  15. Mon dieu!
    no pun intended...
    And you've learned to TWEET too.
    I shall wait and watch
    Bon chance

  16. I'll keep tuning in as I'm around. I'm blogging less these days and working on other things more, but I still plan on being here. I'll stop by and we can chat about the uplifting things in our life.

  17. It's exciting to keep changing and upgrading these blogs of ours. For me, after four years, it is constant. It reflects the changes within, you are so right.


  18. Love it ... I'm looking forward to it!

  19. What a lovely new beginning, just in time for spring. I can't wait for the new adventure, and I'll be right here with you, bien sur!

  20. Good for you, Becky. I am going to still read whatever it is you write, because you make it all so interesting.


Ooh boy, do I love your comments!
Thanks for stopping by!