
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What's Your Favorite Christmas TV Special?

And Merry Christmas to you too!

I don't know about you, but I have such mixed up feelings about television. Some days I'd gladly chuck our sets to the curb if it weren't for the mutiny I'd cause in my household. Other days I want to wrap my arms around my television and give it a great smooch. Like on Sunday nights, after Mad Men, or on Saturday nights, after the British comedies on PBS. Or during THE ENTIRE CHRISTMAS SEASON!

Every year I can't wait to curl up in my bed with my youngest child and watch Pig Pen promise to be a very neat innkeeper, Winter Warlock cry tears of regret, and Snow Miser and Heat Miser bicker on the phone while Mrs. Claus plays peacemaker. It makes my toes curl with happiness.

So what about you? What's your favorite Christmas show on TV? Do share!
Have a wonder-full Wednesday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. My favorite is the Christmas Story - You're going to shoot your eye out!

    My family groans VERY LOUDLY when I say, "Oh, let's watch that one!".

    Merry Christmas!

  2. I still love the Heat Miser and the Snow Miser in The Year Without a Santa Claus.
    And Hermey, that cute little elf who wanted to be a dentist in Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.
    Such great TV memories around Christmas!

    Happy Holidays!

  3. When the Grinch gets *an awful idea* and his smile curls like Christmas ribbon... I feel like Christmas is really, really coming.

  4. I'm weak for Charlie Brown, too. Every year when Linus reads from Luke...

  5. Oh man. There are so many! I LOVE me some Grinch. The oldie cartoon, of course. Oh, and Rudolph!
    And this year I noticed (maybe for the first time) the beautiful speech Linus gives on the Charlie Brown Christmas about what Christmas is really all about. It made me so happy I wanted to cry. :)

  6. Hands down The Christmas Story--our whole family loves it!!

  7. I really dislike the way they treat Charlie Brown in this TV special. I do love the message though. I don't really have any TV favorites, but a Christmas movie favorite would be, It's a Wonderful Life.


  8. My fave is It's a Wonderful Life, with The Christmas Story a close 2nd. For the kids shows, I like Rudolph the best.

  9. That Snow Miser and Heat Miser song gets me every time...

    "I'm Mister White Christmas
    I'm Mister Snow
    I'm Mister Icicle
    I'm Mister Ten Below..."

    "...I'm Mister Green Christmas
    I'm Mister Sun
    I'm Mister Heat Blister
    I'm Mister Hundred and One..."

  10. This is one of my favorites! And the 60's Rudolph movie too. I grew up watching both of these classics, along with Frosty the Snowman.

    Merry Christmas!!

  11. I just go to mush with any Christmas special or program. I love the fa-la-la-la Christmas movies on Lifetime. I drive Hubby nuts but they all end happily ever after and that I LOVE!!!

    Have yourself one terrifically blessed day!!!

  12. I get all warm and fuzzy watching claymation specials: Rudolf, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, and the Little Drummer Boy.

  13. I love them all. From the Lifetime special movies to the 24 hour Christmas Story marathon. This time of year makes me miss my Mom, her birthday was Christmas Day. We always made sure to wrap one of her presents in birthday paper and have a cake. Ahh, life is "fra jee lee".

  14. How to choose?! LOVE this season! Have always loved The Grinch. But, also love the new Shrek the Halls ... wanted to see 'Prep and Landing' the other night, but had a meeting. Hubby and the kids got a kick out of it. I'm hoping they replay it!

  15. I cuddle with my kids in bed and watch the Christmas shows also.

    I love 'em all! But if I had to pick one or two it would be Rudolph and a Charlie Brown Christmas.

  16. Well, when I was really little it was Burl Ives and Rudolph!! I loved that with a passion.

    These days, it's A Child's Christmas in Wales.... the one with Denham Elliot. It is completely enchanting... we watch it every year.

    I also adore Cary Grant in The Bishop's Wife.

  17. that cute little elf who wanted to be a dentist in Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.

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