
Friday, December 11, 2009

Paper Magic

Hi Ho Silver! Does your inner genius need a jolt?
Follow me over to Jayme McGowan's blog, Roadside Projects, and watch the dial of your meter-o'-creativity spin out of control! What a wonder-land!
Take a look at the magic she works with paper.

Her art is like a good book, transporting you to another world.
How perfect! The title of the above work is A Good Book. You can find it in this good book here.

Wouldn't it be fun to find that under your tree Christmas morning?
Or better yet, one of her creations!
You can find them at her etsy shop. And if you can't afford the original works, you can buy yourself a print.
I'm in love with this one.

But I like the movement of this one too.

Time to go!

If only I had that magic bicycle! Think how quickly I could get my Christmas errands done on that!

Have a terrific Friday and a super weekend, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Becky, thank you for posting this artist. I'll visit her site!

  2. This paper animation is so detailed and imaginative.. big job,... very inspirational, Thanks!!

  3. Oh, those are beautiful!! :) Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. That kind of artistic ability always amazes me--and pleases me.

  5. Hi Becky! Thanks so much for posting about my work - you made my day. :-)

  6. One of my favorite parts of Real Simple magazine is the little paper cut-outs they have for section openers.

    Very cool!

  7. Nice post Becky, it's amazing what paper artists do. I really like the 3-D layering of the paper that makes it all look so real.

    I had fun with tesselations this past week. I had to learn, cut paper, outline, copy ..., so that niecey would understand how to do her math/art homework!

    I'll check out the website you suggest.

    Thanks for sharing!


  8. What an interesting concept.I will make sure to visit.Thank you for posting this.
    I wanted to stop by to wish you a Maerry Christmas Dear.And May god bless you.
    XXOO Marie Antionette


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