
Friday, September 25, 2009

Trading Cultures...and a Crazy Coincidence!

Welcome to Ballymena, Ireland.
No, I didn't get to go, darn it.
As usual, I stayed home with my boys and our peanut bitter--whoops, did that slip out?-- that's peanut butter sandwiches, while my husband toured around northern Ireland, solving the problems of the tire world, visiting with tons of sheep, and eating interesting breakfasts like this.

Vewy interesting.

So what did he bring me back?
Just the above two photos, plus this blurry one here.

And an amazing coincidence. Allow me to explain.
When I tried to give Todd the third degree about Ballymena, Michelin's home away from home in northern Ireland, he claimed not to know too much. "I was working the whole time, Beck," he said. (Can't you hear the violins playing?)
Then I asked him my standard question, the one that shows I'm a glutton for punishment: "Did you have any good meals while you were there?"
He suddenly snapped out of his jet lag.
"THAT'S RIGHT! I ALMOST FORGOT!" Then he told me this story:
One night the mayor of Ballymena hosted his group for dinner and a tour of the town. One of the stops was the town's museum/cultural center. "We'll be hosting some Yanks here this fall, from our sister city in the States," the mayor said. "They'll perform on this very stage."

To make a long story short, it turns out that the sister city was MOREHEAD, KENTUCKY!
If you're wondering why I'm shouting at you and waving my arms around, the town of Morehead is just a half hour drive from my entire extended family! That's shocking enough, but get this, it turns out that my cousin Adam is one of the Yanks performing! Can you believe that?

Just last week, three musicians and six dancers from Ballymena traveled to Kentucky to perform at the Kentucky Center for Traditional Music at Morehead University, and next month Adam and three other selected musicians will be headed for Ireland to play there.
Isn't that crazy? What a small world we live in!

It's also crazy for me because I still think of Adam as this little guy beside my slightly milk-drunk baby.

Not this full grown man with the scruffy chin, singing and playing the fiddle at our reunion this summer.

I suppose I should stop living in yesteryear.
As you might have noticed from the reunion post, Adam is truly talented. Hop over to his myspace page and listen to his music.

He's the handsome dude on the far left.

I'd love to end this post with a video showing off Adam's gorgeous voice, but I couldn't find one on youtube. (Adam, dear, get on that, would you? :))
So let's enjoy a little Riverdance, shall we?

Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!

Love, Becky


  1. Morehead Kentucky! I am in Union Kentucky... Morehead can't be that far away. I should go and visit the Kentucky Center for Traditional Music... I love that kind of music.
    We were in Ireland some years ago. It was beautiful and the food was wonderful!

  2. Adam told us he was going, but how nifty is that! I love hearing him (and the family) sing, so beautiful!

  3. That's really fun. I'd love to go to Ireland. It's one of the main places of my ancestors. My maiden name is Connell, so I've always felt a connection there. It's such a gorgeous country.

  4. What a small world! What a fun world!

  5. Ireland is in the top section of my list of MUST see places!
    Loved seeing the pictures...

  6. So great to see you over at my blog
    ( Thank you for the very kind comment) and fantastic to come to your blog and see your cultural journey. Hope you are well and I look forward to catching up on your blogging adventures.xo

  7. Love Ireland, though I've only been to Norhern. We've been to Ballymena too and its a lot of fun driving around there once you get used to their two main roundabouts, and once you get used to the wrong side of the road. Linda and I ate dinner one night at the plant manager's (Chris Eames) home and were treated to a most excellent dinner by his wife. Also our dear friend that we brought along with us was the first American to ever visit the Ballymena high school. I think the students were more impressed with her physique than her education.

    Your Hub-hub is very lucky to get the trips over there on occaision, as the people, food, and scenery are outstanding. I think there are more sheep than people there! Oh, and everything is so green over there.

    Very cool about your cousin's band getting to travel over there. Sounds like they have their act together and a good following. I think they would like that genre of music over there.

    Riverdance has put on excellent shows - we saw them once from the back row, and once right up front, both times were very enjoyable.

    Have a great weekend,

  8. Ireland? It's a place I've always wanted to visit.

    Tell your hubby to read my jost from earlier this week about my Michelin tires.

  9. cool story -- got to love that perfect serendipity!:)

  10. Your cousin's band is really good! I've always been a fan of bluegrass & country. They should, as you said, post stuff on You Tube. More hits than MySpace.

    Breakfast? I woulda passed on that, but I'm ridiculously picky.

  11. Oh man. I can't believe you didn't get to go to Ireland too! Get those kiddos in college and then you can go with the Mr.!

  12. It never ceases to amaze me what a small world we live in. This is an awesome story.

    Also your blog is pretty wonderful. I love coming for a visit and leaving feeling happier and more upbeat. I wanted to show my gratitude by honoring you with a little blog award.

  13. I have talked to Adam about this, and he is SOOO excited! I have been to Northern Ireland twice (and to the republic once) and LOVED it! Plus, I think that might be my eyeball in that picture with your babe. It is a small world.

  14. Judy, you should check that out. I have no idea how much there is to see, but I bet they have performances that are open to the public.

    Hey Leah and Jennifer. I love this--it feels like a mini family reunion!

    Lois, I agree. I'd love to go too. We kept saying that we'd take the family there while we lived in France, but we never made time. There was too much to see in France. Maybe one day...

    Hi GG and Susie Q!

    La Belette, glad to see you too. Congrats again!

    Hi Randy. How lucky for Linda that she got to go with you! I would love that. Though I would want Todd to do any of the driving. The thought of switching sides freaks me out.

    Sherry, what a crazy day. No wonder you were tire-d! That's a real saga!

    Hi Susan!
    Jaxpop, I'm glad you enjoyed Adam's music. I could listen to him all day long.

    Hi May, yep, college is far off for my fifth grader. But one day. Or maybe the three of us could go. Now I need to go buy a lottery ticket!

    Lovelylissie, you made my day! Thanks so much, my friend.

    Lynsey, that is your pretty eyeball in the pic. I hope you're staying warm in that Colorado snow!


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