
Monday, July 27, 2009

Flexible Love and Other Cardboard Wonders

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Wonderfully Wacky Ways Creative People Use Cardboard!

Photo by
Yes, Cardboard! Want a rhino head for your living room wall? The guys at Etsy's Cardboard Safari have just what you always wanted and some things you've never thought of!
And I thought I was being so creative letting my children make a house out of the refrigerator box.
That reminds you know/have a child just learning to read? This was one of my boys' favorite books about that very subject. I highly recommend it.

Cardboard might not seem like a wonder to Miss Average Human Being, but if she watched this video on Flexible Love, she might just reconsider!
What's that?
No! Flexible Love is just the slightly awkward name of a crazy piece of furniture invented by Taiwanese designer Chishen Chiu. Take a look! You'll be amazed!

See what I mean?! Stylish furniture for that cardboard house!
The next thing you know we'll be making meals out of cardboard.
Hey look...some people already are!

Flickr photo by bre pettis
Or maybe you're not hungry. Perhaps you'd rather have two bucks?

Photo by
If you're still celebrating the anniversary of Apollo 11, you might enjoy this Astro Rocket.

Photo by
Or see the stars from a different perspective in this cardboard planetarium.

Flickr photo by cicadas

Cats like cardboard too.

Flickr photo by Sharon Pazner
Why wouldn't they, especially if the cat house was designed by artist Sharon Pazner and her nephew Ron. Remember Sharon? Very cool!

Have a wonder-full Monday, y'all! Enjoy the flexible love this kitty has for her own cardboard boxes.

Love, Becky


  1. Those cardboard sculptures are cool!

  2. I laughed at the cat with his head stuck in the box. Cats are silly that way.

    Do you know that if you cook a turkey long enough, it can actually taste like cardboard?

    It is always a treat to visit your blog.


  3. Ahhhh..... cardboard turkey. My mother's specialty. Ya 'bout had to dunk it in motor oil to get it springy enough to chew.

  4. I saw some trading spaces where Hildy remade a room out of cardboard. Cool but i wouldnt want to live in it

  5. Oh dear friend.

    Thank you so much.

    Love Renee xoxo

  6. I love cardboard. I used to dumpster dive behind Michael's for boxes. Ahh, those days are gone but not forgotten.

  7. My son just finished 3 'Henry and Mudge' books this weekend (while traveling in the car ... perfect way to keep caught up on summer reading!!). We'll have to find the one you recommended!

  8. The cardboard furniture is intriguing.
    He played with it almost danced with it but he never
    Sat on it……
    I wonder if you can….


  9. For some reason I find it hilarious that both boxes say DIET in huge letters. Dear Naughty Cat, this might be a hint.

    Awesome post!

  10. Love the cardboard art! Its amazing and that stuff never cost much. We were just over at Lowe's Monday buying some, and plastic containers are great, but cardboard still has its place in the world. I unfortunately am not using the cardboard for artistic reasons, but instead for packing stereo, VCR, and other electrical components, for moving. Now if I can just label the wires correctly, they won't be hard to re-assemble in the new home. I think that's very cool about Todd and Sarah doing humanitarian work, especially in the home building/repair aspect, because it will further benefit them in their own lives in the future.

    Have a great day and keep lifting our spirits Becky.


  11. Hi Becky,

    Love the cardboard art. Poor cat, that is something my dog would do.
    Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. It looks like you had a great vacation (even after everyone left).


  12. I was just thinking about cardboard furniture today (don't ask) and remembering a kid that was once featured on . . . I think it was Reading Rainbow who liked to design strong furniture out of cardboard. I was wondering what he's doing now. I bet he'd love Flexible Love!

  13. Love the cat in the box! Thanks for a laugh.


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