
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Birthdays and Banana Pancakes

Today's Wonder of the World is...Birthdays and Banana Pancakes!

I can hardly believe that 17 years ago today I gave my mother quite the birthday present!
Happy Birthday Mom! Happy Birthday Ben!

It seems that just yesterday Ben was a little guy, running us all ragged with his daredevil ways,

begging for "yemonade" and to kiss us "with his yips." Now he's 6'3" and still keeps us laughing.

Plus he introduces us to good music!
Enjoy a nice plate of Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson. With a candle on top!

Have a wonder-full Wednesday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Ahh, sniff, sniff. Doesn't it make you sad and happy at the same time? Hollon will be two tomorrow, time sure does fly!

  2. Happy Birthday, Ben!!

    And why haven't I heard of Jack Johnson before? LOVE him. Thanks so much for the best banana pancakes ever :)!

  3. Happy Birthday Ben.

    Seems like one day they're funny little rugrats - next day they're buying houses & having kids of their own. Goes by way too fast.

  4. Happy Birthday to Both!!!
    And Hello to Tanner!

  5. Happy birthday Ben, whoa, that is one tall guy!! What cute pictures. I hope he has a great day:-)

  6. Many happy returns to your son! Looks like you've fed him well--that's a tall drink of water!

  7. Happy Birthday BEN....

    and wishing your mom one as well....

    Hope the day was wonderful....


  8. They grow up SO fast. I wish my three lived closer. At least one daughter (with her husband and child) recently moved back to SC from Denver, but they are still two hours away. Son is in DC; other daughter is moving from Nashville to VA in two weeks (the Army decides where she goes.) Belated Happy Birthday to Ben.

  9. Happy Birthday Ben!

    Ha ha! My friend Jessica from Kids Napping? I'm Scrapping! often has "Banana Pancakes" playing on her blog playlist, LOL!

  10. I love the past three posts...ladybugs, cardboard art, and birthday & banana pancakes...can't get any better than that!!! I hope your mom and son had a great birthday yesterday!

  11. Jack Johnson and his banana pancakes equals one of my happy places. And oh how I love my kids' birthdays. Congrats to the Mom, Happy Birthday to the son!

  12. Meant to ask - What's that on Ben's leg?

  13. In the first pic? A purple cast from breaking it on a trampoline. One of his many visits to the ER.

  14. They grow up so fast...and what sweet memories they give us though.
    Happy birthday to your handsome son!! And happy birthday to your lovely Mom!


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