
Friday, May 22, 2009

Hey Buddy, Got a Match? Box?

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Matchbox!

Flickr photo by wackystuff
Maybe it's just me, but I look at that wacky matchbox and become racked with questions.
Are those birds really inseparable? What's with the umbrella? Could bird feet really hold an umbrella? And what does any of this have to do with matches?
What's the story there? People want to know!
(At least this person does.)

Once you solve that one, would you take a look at this?

Flickr photo by wackystuff
Woo hoo! An elephant on a see saw holding matches! Pretty please with sugar on top and a cherry, won't you write a story about that and let me read it?

Hop over here and here and here for more strange/beautiful/wonderfully weird matchbox art.

Or maybe you prefer art made from a matchbox.
Little Becky would have LOVED to have this Etsy matchbox in her pocket.

Photo by
So much cuter than Polly Pocket.

And my heart jolts into overdrive for this little prize. (Another Etsy masterpiece.)

Photos by
Don't your fingers itch to put that together? You could set up your own opera while sitting on the bleachers at yet another baseball practice.

Take a look at these pocket scenes.

Photos by
You can find them at Etsy too. I believe I'd wear those boxes out, opening them over and over again.

Want to write a book but you don't have much to say? This one's perfect!

Flickr photo by matchboxbook
I suppose you could write a really long book in teensy tiny handwriting and give anyone who reads it old lady eyes like mine.
Seriously. I'm not ancient enough to be this blind.

But I'd wear my readers out in public if I had a chance to meet members of the International Championship League of Matchbox Stuffers.
Never heard of them?
They're quite a creative bunch. They take ordinary small matchboxes (no cheating with a family sized box, you sneaky one, you,) and fill it with as many tiny items as possible.
Collections like this.

Flickr photo by Green Wellies
Pretty cool, huh?
Your grouping can either have a theme or not. No duplicates allowed.
Here's another one.

Flickr photo by leslie.hawes
It's fun to examine each little thing.
At least it's fun for me. But I find miniatures strangely fascinating. And I probably need more excitement in my life.

I know what I'll do! I'll watch Eric Clapton (with long hair and sideburns) Johnny Cash, and Carl Perkins perform Matchbox Blues.

Have a wonder-full Friday and a super weekend, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. I would have totally LOVED a little matchbook sized doll :) And my gracious, whoever knew that you could pack so much stuff into such a small space! Wow, bet they never have the suitcase space deficit I suffer with every time I travel :)

  2. Those are very cool little matchbox scenes.

    I love the little book! That is something I would've LOVED for my Barbie as a child, LOL!

    Sometimes I think I'd like to get a doll-house and then I think, NAH! TOO much work! Maybe someday when I have more room! :)

  3. Oh, twee little things always charm me. If I had a little girl, I'd buy her that tiny doll with the matchbox house.

  4. There's a league of matchbox stuffers? You do learn something new every day. :)

  5. Hi,
    thanks for linking my blog post on matchbox labels. I've become a bit obsessed with them.

    Your book looks great, I hope to order it soon.

    cheers. Liza

  6. I had no idea there was such a thing as matchbox stuffers! I love it!

    Also, how adorable that they put one of the monkeys from Monkeys in Barrel in it. I love that game.

    The first matchbox is swoonerific. I'd love to blow up the artwork and put it on my wall.

  7. I haven't really looked at matchboxes in a long time, but I used to be fascinated by them. And the matchbox scenes are something else.

  8. I had so much fun going to all the links…
    I love this post.

    League of matchbox stuffers is right up
    my league.
    I started my very own little matchbox collection today…


  9. Very Cool!
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  10. Hi Becky,

    I would have loved those matchboxes as a kid. Heck, I love them Now.
    I have been reading through missed posts. That photo of Ma and Pa Ramsey is hysterical. Please send some fresh produce our way.


  11. Just stopping by to see what's new...


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