
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Welcome to My Porch!

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Front Porch!

Aren't front porches like this one wonder-ful? My friend Rhondi thinks so. In fact, she loves them so much that she's having a Front Porch Party today to celebrate. Why don't you join in? It's easy --if you're shy, you can even slip right in without saying a word! Just go to her site, HERE, and she'll share a whole list of folks who would love nothing more than to welcome you right up their steps to sit a spell. Great idea, huh?

Drop by my house first.

Make yourself comfortable! Would you like some iced tea? A café au lait?

If you click on the picture and look hard at the sidelight on the right, you might see Tanner the Slobber dog looking at you. He's wondering what I'm doing out here.
And he's wondering why I dragged out my chairs that belong in the living room and obstructed his view of our front yard chipmunks.

Tanner, must you tell every thing you know?

I must confess that I brought the chairs out just for you. They make my porch look more homey. I think I like it. Now I'm going to have to go visit some yard sales and find a couple front porch rockers because I love that look!

Down, Tanner! (He thinks you're his long lost best friend. He wants to lick you.)

I'd show you the porch on the house we had in France, but there's not much of one.
Here's the house, if you're curious.

I loved that house, even if the porch is not much more than a doorstep. The French don't really do porches.
During our first fall there I put a couple pumpkins on the porch and my neighbor came over and knocked on my door. "Did you know that you forgot some of your groceries and left them outside?"
I told her that they were for decoration. This confused her.

The French might not do porches, but most of their doorsteps are amazing.

Here's sort of a porch, from a house we saw on one of our walks.

And here's a doorstep that I think is pretty.

The French do courtyards instead. They are amazing.
From the street you can get just a little peek.

But sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll know someone behind the gate.
They'll invite you in.

I used to sit at a courtyard like this one and talk with a French friend while the kids played. It was a pleasure, even with the language workout. And she served iced tea. Peach flavored!

(In a glass, bien sûr!)
See, South Carolina and France really do have a lot in common!

Have a Wonderful Thursday everyone! And drop by my porch any time!
Love, Becky

PS. Thanks for the courtyard public photos, flickr friends: stuart and jen, cordsimages, and asr-cascadian!


  1. That is something I miss with this house -- a porch!! The house I grew up in had one and I just loved it. Makes me wonder why we ever bought a house that didn't have one -- we have a side door entrance...

    As for French courtyards...I dearly love those -- they look so inviting and wonderful. As a matter of fact, I'm trying to do that with this house now -- digging up the grass in the front and putting down stones, rocks, flowers, gravel, a wrought iron gate -- it's going to take some time but it's a project worth putting some love into!

    Adore your porch and definitely get those rockers!!!

  2. Your home is beautiful! I love the chairs out there too :)

    The French pictures are gorgeous! WOW! Thank you so much for sharing with us!


  3. Outstanding decoration. It reflects your artistic sense. I have seen photos of some French Houses before, but not so much detailed! Thanks.

  4. Beautiful. Love the peak at Tanner in the window. :-) The chairs do look lovely out there. I love, love, love courtyards too.

  5. I love your porch Rebecca, but the doorsteps in France, AMAZING!! Just like I thought they would be.
    I'm so glad you showed your home in France. After reading your book I was curious. It looked almost like I pictured. I could hear the gravel on that driveway.
    Thanks for sharing.
    ps I will be posting my so called front porch later today.

  6. I like your current porch and your home in France! I have been to France, what a wonderful place that is! From France to South Carolina? Wow, I bet that took a while to adjust!

  7. You have a lovely home & a beautiful front porch! Yes, aren't rockers just the best! You definitely need some so you won't keep upsetting that pup of yours!!LOL

    Hop over to my party, too!

    Angelic Accents

  8. Been reading awhile, just have to say there must be something in the tea ... everytime I visit your blog I feel like a welcomed old friend. You have a style of writing that is warmly familiar and kind ... and I love the little life glimpses be they in the U.S. or France!

  9. First of all, your front porch is amazing!! :) And I just LOVE your pictures of France.. having never been there, I need to live vicariously through all of these wonderful blogs! XO!

  10. Hello Sweet Becky!

    What a wonderful GRAND Front Porch you! It is stunning and the porches in France, to die for! heehee! It has been a pleasure visiting you & your porches!


  11. What eye candy! Oh thank you for sharing!!!
    Have a great day!
    -Heather :)

  12. Hi Becky :)

    You really should get some rockers for your porch, because it looks really lovely and inviting.

    The pictures of France are amazing!

    Have a beautiful evening,

  13. Thank you for the fun tour. Tanner at the window was fun to spot. The French photos were such a nice touch. 'the story about your Halloween punpkins was a hoot!

    Kathy b

  14. Rebecca - What a great post idea!!

    I can picture Madame Mallet .... wagging a finger at Tanner the Slobber Dog.....

  15. My husband is always talking about having a house with a porch and a place to sit. I am more of a backyard kind of girl. I think front porches are more for extroverts and us back yard lovers are more introverts. I apologize in a advance for globalizing my personal experience. Just one introverts theory.;-)

    But, really beautiful porches!! Yours is especially so!

  16. You're right, the chairs look marvelous. Thanks for showing us the homes in France. I love courtyard gardens.

  17. Hey y'all! Thanks for dropping by and saying hello!
    I'd write more, but I'm pooped.
    You'll see why tomorrow.

    Wishing you much time relaxing on your porches!

  18. What a cute story about the pumpkins! That's OK if the French don't do porches.....they do the decorating and fashion thing so well! HA!

    :-) Rosie

  19. Thanks for a tour of some wonderful porches. They were great!
    Congratulations to the grduate.

  20. Hi Rebecca,
    Love your porch and your pics of your home in France. I've been to Paris one time and I really love France! Thanks for stopping in on my blog!

  21. What a great porch!! I see Tanner, lol.. too funny! The urns are the perfect elegant touch and I love the brick.
    Thank you for the French tour as well, very nice!

  22. Oh, the porch party has been fun. I'm glad to see you joined in. You have a beautiful front porch. Lucky you! Thank you once again, for all the lovely photos of France.....sigh.....

  23. Hi,
    what a beautiful porch you have! You have a nice touch at decorating! love those rockers too.
    Thanks for visiting my blog ... i will be back.

    have a good weekend!


  24. What a beautiful porch! I really do love those chairs and the urns with flowers. I so enjoyed the pics from France. I went to Paris once about 9 years ago, and have longed to go back ever since.

    I had so much fun reading some of your other blogs and about your book and experiences! I added you to my favorites.

    I loved your dog description: Tanner the Slobber Dog. I own Jake the Poop Mongrel. No explanation necessary.

  25. Spent a 'leel too much time on my porch today, but ordinarily I love it. It offers a great view for people watching, airplane watching (airport nearby), bird watching (they don't like when I really stare, though), and even fireworks watching. And once even movies-being-made watching! Ahh, it's a great, great porch.

  26. Oh I want to go to France those pictures are amazing. I love the french court yards. Love your porch and Tanner too.

  27. My Tanner wants to know if your Tanner can come over for a play date. We supply slobber towels, lol, gotta love them slobber and all.

    THANK YOU for sharing the fabulous front porch photos. Now, I think I need to make a nice thick cushion for my front porch rocker so it will be comfy just like yours.

    Come by Stillmeadow any old time, I'm always glad for the company.

  28. Congrats to your daughther! Thanks for stopping by.
    Love the rockers on your front porch.
    Loved the court yards of France. Thanks for sharing. Will come back for another visit.

    Irma :)

  29. Hi Rebecca!
    Thanks for stopping by and having some iced tea with me! I had a wonderful time at your porch party and enjoyed seeing all the French courtyards and front entrances. I love to be able to peek at such beautiful gardens and outdoor spaces. We have German Village in Columbus, Ohio and I love their little gardens!
    Hugs, Sherry


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