
Friday, June 6, 2008

Graduation Day!

Today's Wonder of the World is...Graduation Day!

There she is! My Sarah, my first baby. All graduated, with her friends Sarah C. and Andrea.
Yesterday was such a wonder-full day.
It really was a pleasure.

Both her granddaddies came.

And her Grandmommies.

We started out with a nice lunch at the Brick Street Cafe.
(If you ever come to Greenville, South Carolina, I highly recommend it!)

The meal was delicious, but the Sarah stories were the best part. Like about the very hot day she was born, and how her lips looked like a little rosebud. We remembered how when Ben was born, Sarah told me to put that baby away on the shelf. We talked about how she loved going to Home Beetoe with her daddy. And about the summer we came back from France for a visit and she saw her Papa out seeding the lawn and thought he was an organ grinder.

It was a lovely time.

After we relaxed a while, it was time for graduation.

The speeches were delightful. They included quotes from Alvis Dumbledore, Dora the Explorer, President Calvin Coolidge, and Yoda.

Then they called out the 364 names.

There's Sarah! She has the white stole. (Because she's a smartie pants.)

Woo hoo!

And's done!

Happy Graduation, my sweet little bunny!

And Happy Weekend, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Congrats to Sarah! Love the last pic - supercute! :)

  2. What a BEAUTIFUL young lady. It makes me kinda sad not to be around there to watch these milestones pass in person. Thanks for making the memory available!

  3. Just happened across your blog via one called Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien. Now I must go get your book and read it - books of place, and living the good life, are my obsession! If you are ever in Texas, you must visit the town of Luling, home of the famous Watermelon Thump Festival. Judging from your recent post, you would adore their water tower, which resembles a giant watermelon.

  4. A lovely picture in words and photos of your daughter's triumphs!

  5. Graduation day is one of the better feelings in life! Congrats to Sarah!

  6. Congratulations to Sarah. What a lovely post you wrote to celebrate her special day.

  7. A hard earned milestone in life and the closing of her youth chapter. The next chapter has just begun, and life becomes even more fun! I'm sure she's a brilliant young lady with a bright future ahead. Many congratulations!

  8. Congrats to your beautiful daughter. What a wonderful day for your family. I also enjoyed your porch party and the french style coutyards too. So interesting and inviting. Nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by my porch party. Have a great weekend.
    Celestina, la rea rose

  9. Wow! your daughter graduating sure took me back in time. What a pretty girl and a student with honors, she has made her family proud. We have three daughters and two sons, and I remember well each graduation day. Very much like your day. Congratulations!

    Thanks for visiting my post and admiring my paper weights. It is a fun collection to enjoy and share.

    Best wishes to Sarah, Jeanne

  10. Congratulations to your beautiful and "smartie pants" daughter Sarah! What a week for you, Becky. Congrats to you, too...


  11. Wow! I feel like I just graduated yesterday looking at these pictures. Never mind that it's been ten plus years. I can just so vividly remember how you feel. Free! Scared! Grown-up! Scared!

    Congratulations Sarah!

  12. OH, Congratulation to your lovely Sarah. What a proud mommy you must be. That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing all of that with the rest of us.

  13. Your daughter is absouloutly beautiful! Congrats on her graduating..
    Thank you for the visit on my site.
    xoxo Nita

  14. Congrats, Sarah! What a gorgeous graduate she makes, too!

  15. "Congraduations" to Sarah!

    Jenn Hubbard

  16. Hi Rebecca,
    Congrats to Sarah!!
    How wonderful all her family could be there.
    She is a beautiful girl!!
    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Congrats to Sarah, nice and beauty pictures Rebecca, your daughter is lovely, blessing to her.
    Thanks to passing by to my Blog, and I enjoy in yours, you come back when you like to mine, xxGloria
    Love little bunny, soooo cute!!!

  18. Y'all are so thoughtful.
    Sarah is really touched by all your good wishes.
    Thank you!

  19. Goodness but this brings back memories! Thank you for sharing a special and wonderful event. Congratulations to Sarah and best wishes to you.

    Nice to have you visit me at Stillmeadow Quilting. Come by any time.

  20. Congratulations to you and the graduate. She is such a lovely young lady! Good job Mom and Dad!!


  21. What a beautiful young lady...congratulations! I believe all our children have a picture made in a bunny costume....

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting. If you come back by you will notice that I had Marion and Johns visit posted out of sequence...I'll repost the cabin-Helen segment next....

    We have been to isn't too far from our cabin...

    God Bless...Betty

  22. Congratulations to your Sweet Bunny, the very pretty and smart one with the white collar! What an exciting time of life for Sarah filled with much joy and hope! And for you Rebecca to see your beautiful daughter so very happy!

  23. Nice job, to all involved! Congrats.

  24. Congratulations to your beautiful, clever daughter (and to the proud mom)! xo

  25. It was such a terrific time for your family. She is a super lucky gal to have all of her grandparents present---what a great memory for her and them!!! I love your closing with the bunny reference, followed by the darling little girl bunny!

  26. HA HA!
    I just realized that in this post I mentioned "Alvis Dumbledore" when I should have written "Albus Dumbledore." That tickles me! Alvis, like Elvis! Elvis Dumbledore! That's funny.
    Or maybe its just me.


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