
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Welcome to My Mad Tea Party and Carnivalee!!

Today's Wonder of the World is... a Carnivalee!


I've tidied up my living room, blown up the balloons...

And I'm all dolled up!

So welcome, friends! Are you ready for fun?

I said, "Are you ready?"

Wakey wakey! You sweet little sleepyhead! Didn't you hear the clock chiming?

It's calling you to the ball, "Put on your favorite hat, and come on in!"

Why there you are!

And you!

And you!

Shiver me timbers, what an effort you've made!

May I serve you a drink?

Welcome to my little corner of South Carolina!
Sit yourself down and let's relax!

You're so skinny! You must feel weak! Have a French pastry!

Oh please, take two!

Now isn't that better?
Oh look, here comes the traveling jester!

And there's French dancing! Take a twirl with me!

Now, how about some girls gone wild?

Looks like the little boys have gone wild too!

I'm thinking somebody drank too much fruit punch!

I'm so glad you dropped by!
Wait, I think I hear someone...

It's the King! Standing next to His plastic throne, making a proclamation!
He's saying, "Kind ladies and gentlemen of Our kingdom, please leave your name in the Comments so that We may bestow upon you a chance to win something from Our royal drawing!"

What is it, dear King?

"It's a signed copy of the Official Book of Our Kingdom, Broadway Book's French By Heart. Because you are so kind to visit, we are feeling particularly generous and will include an antique French postcard tucked inside, as well as a copy of the review in The New York Times. The author is a person very close to Us. We have two to give away."

And here are the antique postcards. This one from World War I shows a soldier in the trenches, dreaming of his loved ones back home.

And here's an Easter one with a lovely mademoiselle and her Easter eggs.

If you like, feel free to let Us know which one you prefer.
We will pull two lovely names from Our Crown on Monday, at whatever hour We feel like it, and will announce the lucky winners right here, in the comments section of this very post. Do visit Us again!

Wow, a proclamation from a King AND beautiful guests like you?!
I think I may faint!

Thank you, sweet visitor, for dropping by!
And please do stop in whenever you're in the neighborhood! The King and I love making new friends!

Love, Becky

PS. Thanks flickr friends Cluttershop, Anna's flickrcorner, and Fractal Artist, for the public photos! And thanks to Vanessa Valencia for hosting the Grand Ball!


  1. Becky, the photos are hilarious - and just perfect for ViVi's party -- you look divine!!! And I'd love a pastry (I've not had breakfast or my coffee yet!). I'll see you through the secret keyhole -- and save me a seat if you get there first. I'm playing too over at my art blog -- come visit me there!!

  2. What fun! I love both vintage postcards and all that you've woven for your party. I'll take one of those lovely drinks that you are offering, thank you. And when you can stop by my tea party for party hats, baubles, and moondancing.

  3. I loved your party - it made me smile this morning. Is this how I enter for the drawing?

  4. Hi Becky,

    What fun! I"m getting ready to head out for a long day but wanted to visit your Tea party first.

    Your pics are charming and you certainly are dolled up. I"ll pass on the punch ( early here, I need coffee) but the pastry. Yes, please.

    "HI" to the King and others.
    Enjoy the party.


  5. What fun, What fun, I had here today...

    I know by the end of the day I will look like the pair at the end of your party..or maybe the wee one in the chair..


  6. HelloRrebecca, you are all so talented it is such a pleasure to discover new people everyday with such gifts. Of course you are right to be in the clouds (in your profile:) over the publication of your book. I only had a few haiku published this week -first time, and I am totally euphoric! Lovely parfty, what a great idea Fanciful Twist had!
    Best wishes.
    Beatrice v.

  7. Ooooooooh the Ramsey's certainly know how to take Tea! So much happiness and cheer. Love the dancing, the poster on the mantle is fab. All such fun!
    A Toast to you Becky,
    a Toast to life!

  8. What a fun carnivalee!!! I wish I could stay longer, but I'm off to visit the other mad tea party people...LOL! If I were lucky enough to win a signed copy of your wonderful book I'd love the Easter card.

  9. I LOVE the dolled up you. You are getting very clever with the graphics.

  10. Becky,
    What is my oldest son Andrew doing at your party wearing a pink octopus on his head?!!! When he RSVP'd for my shindig, I never dreamed he would be attending another soiree, but there he is, in the flesh. Oh well, he's always been a party boy. Seriously, is that your son? He looks just like my 26 yr. old did at 16! I'm so glad you could stop by our garden party. Good times!


  11. Skinny? Who? Me?
    Oh, you need new glasses.

    I would love a welcome drink though :-)

    Nice to meet you at the party.

  12. Becky,
    Your party is hoot!
    Don't foget me when you give out the loot.

    Loved all your pics and you tell a great tale!

    To all your party friends, stop by my blog for a glass of wine teehee!

  13. What a fun party. I think I'd like to dance along with the girls gone wild. Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog. I was gone all week so didn't have time to make a party, but I sure enjoyed visiting yours.

  14. YOU ARE SOOO FUNNNNYYY!!!! And that sleeping boy, heloo heloo, are you ready for aparty?? LOL!! Oh my goodnesssssss, you made me giggle soooo much! I can't even tell you!! LOVE all the characters!! haahhaaaaa!! Sooo funnnnnyyyyy! I can't get enough... Hand over those pastires, I am sooo darned skinny, like you said!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!! Oh you sweetie!!! haha!
    Happy Happy Happy DAY!!

  15. Ohh, thanks for the invite. I especially loved the dancing. This was such a lovely day for parties. I'm glad you came and sat on the veranda with us for a while. I hope to see you again soon.

  16. Hello~Nice to meet you! Your party looks like so much fun!~ I'm so glad I stopped by!!!

    Enjoy your day!

  17. What a terrific post - love all the fun photos! I see you've got everyone into the act. And your banner over the fireplace is quite eyecatching! Such a lovely tea! xo

  18. Carnivalee! What a perfect theme for your very fun blog.

  19. Such fun at your party! And those drinks look quite refreshing.. think I'll have just one..

  20. awww so sweet! They all dressed up and look like they had a wonderful time with the cakes and drinks and all! I love it! Thanks for sharing in the Mad tea! This is wonderful!

  21. Just had to tell you what an amazing time I had at your party...your pictures and post were soooo much fun!!!

  22. What a fun party! I hope you don't mind that I have made myself very comfy! Your pictures are wonderful, though they did remind me I forgot to invite some pirates today! Thank you so much for having me.

  23. So glad I stopped in here on my way to Vanessa's....everyone is having sooo much fun!

  24. How fun and what cute guests you have!!

  25. I have had so much fun visiting with you. Those French pasteries are so very tasty. And, I would love one of the drinks your passing around. I was nice to be able to meet all your other sweet guests. See you over at Venessa's place.


  26. you crack me up, Becky

  27. Lovely, lovely, lovely! And the pastries are delish, I fear I've eaten too many! Thank you for a lovely time and you look adorable!


  28. Becky,
    Wasn't this fun! Thank you for tea!
    It was so much fun dancing with you!
    I think I may have eaten all your pastries...they are so yummy!
    Visit me often...just follow the bluebird and the bubbles.

  29. Oh my you are having too much fun. Yes we are ready to join in. Happy Partying!

  30. What a fun post! I love the little guy ...the sleepyhead! That's a great photo! This tea party has just been the best! I'm enjoying seeing all the different takes on the party!

  31. Happy Mad TEA Party!!
    Nice to meet You!

    I'm tryin' to gain 20lbs @ this party!!
    LOL ;-D
    Cheers, Sue `*>~[

  32. Happy Mad Tea Party Day!
    Your desserts look amazing! I'm so glad I stopped in for some tea.

  33. Wonderful! I love how you got everyone involved! The photos are great and I sooo want the pastries.

    Seriously, getting the kids involved was really nice!

  34. Oooooh! How exciting to have stumbled upon another SC Lady! :)

    Nice to meet you!!!

    xoxox amanda button
    Pandora's Buttonbox

  35. Loved your party! The refreshments and pastries were great!
    Please come and party some more at my place.
    The Easter card is adorable.

    Irma :)

  36. oooh! such a wonderful hostess and yes, please, I'd love a pastry (or two). YUM!

    thanks for the grins and giggles.

    it was lovely meeting you and I hope to see you again very soon.

    Cheers! ~M~

  37. I'll take ten. Of the pastries.

    How delightful!

  38. Yum Yum!!
    Denise Nantasket Beach Mass.

  39. What a PARTY! I have had the very best of times. I love your très chic French dress and beret!


  40. cute, Im dancing along with all the cute kiddies in the pics..haha to adorable..

  41. What a lovely party, and ooooh - French pastries! I simply can't resist! I do hope you'll stop by my place, meet my party ambassadors and sign up to win a party banner! :)

  42. Bonjour madame! So nice to meet you! I love love all things french, so yes, we are buddies! Good to see you here :D


  43. Oh my - here I was, thinking I couldn't eat another bite, but how can I turn those down? Delicious! You certainly know how to make a stranger feel welcome in southern Bloglandia.
    Thank you for the tea and lovely hospitality. You must stop by my place again sometime soon - bring the whole family - the cats just love to play pirates!

  44. I'll definitely take two of the French pastries... ta.... and YUM!

  45. That was fun Becky!!!!
    What a great party!!

  46. mmm... the pastries look delicious! Love your party - Thanks for the invite!!

  47. what a wonderful time we had at the nice of you to bring those delicious pastries, i did have one too many! ha! fun fun!

  48. Sweet Kids and costumes...great pictures! Love your party!

  49. Such great images--I really enjoyed your post.

    Happy Tea Partying!

  50. What a great collection of photos, ha ha...I had a great time following your very busy tea party, thanks for the invite and I'll definatly be back to visit again:D Mandy Saile of Bijou's Whimsy.

  51. You had me at (no, not "Hello")but the banner over the fireplace- Priceless!!!

  52. What a wonderful blog. Keep up the great work.

    Many Blessings,


  53. This was a fun visit, not at least because I think it was about 20 years ago when somebody called me skinny (have to admit that things have slightly changed around here during the last 20 years...). And on top of that there is a give away too! Thanks for partying!

  54. What a charming outfit and such tasty treats! It was so good to chat with you last night, but I must admit, I fell asleep in my carriage! Good thing people slept over...

  55. Loved the party! I too, will pass on the drink, but would love a pastry.

    thanks for the invitation!

  56. I'm still making my way through this fabulous party!
    So nice to meet you!!!


  57. So where does the name "carnivalee" come from? Is that French, or something you made up?

  58. Superb!!Sorry I am late, it's takes a bit of time to see everyone's inspirations! Come by for a animal crakers and tea, there is plenty left!

  59. What a generous giveaway! And you have brought so many guests with you to the party (some who've apparently had too many fruit drinks, so I wont offer any Sangria or Mimosas). Greats photos of the guests, perfect for bribing them with in the future..hehe!

  60. Wow, I really enjoyed your Pary and Carnivalee, even though I was a day late! The drinks and pastries still tasted fresh and our host and hostess were as kind as can be, even though we dropped by 24 hours late. Thanks for being so tolerant of our dog, who's loud woofing from the car had most of your neighbors concerned that he was being abused. Sorry we were too tired for dancing, but just being in such good company was good enough! Absolutely love the old WWI postcard, what a prize that one is. And much more so, your autographed book!
    Looking forward to your next invitation!

  61. oh I missed you at the party!!!such a fun day we all had:)
    Great photos and story!!

    nice to meet you!


  62. So much fun here. Love the last picture, that is how I feel most days (*LOL) Great to meet you at the party , I'm sorry it has taken me so long, there were so many to meet on my way to where you are.

  63. What a clever and cute post and thank you for the lovely treats. How awesome that you are giving away a book and postcard. Love it.

  64. Wow any one of them are nice!!

  65. What a lovely party! And those wacky party guests! HOW FUN!

    The drinks look oh so refreshing, and I am parched from all this party going. Might I have one to go? I just LOVE the WW2 postcard. Wonderful color.

    Bring your brood to the hot tub and join the mersisters and I for a midnight soak and some liquid refreshment!

  66. wasn't that the best party ever? I am still making the rounds! Meeting people, dancing, drinking tea! I am about full!

  67. I'd love to be in your drawing! Especially for the book. I'd really love to read it.

    Your pics were so fun. I especially like the one where you said your son looked like he had too much punch.


  68. I love the one of the army dreaming of his love.

    Your pictures really makes me tickle.

  69. What lovely guests I had!

    Thank you all for coming!

    I've spoken with the King, and he's picked his lucky winners!
    He chose by number (just like he paints!)
    Comment 13 (that's you, Artbrat!) and Comment 45 (Tinker!)
    13 is his lucky number and 45 is his (lucky) age!
    Tinker and Artbrat, your packages will be in the mail after my break-y-poo is done! (This coming weekend.)

    Thanks again for being the perfect guests!

  70. I am so unforgivably late in making the rounds -- so many lovely people to meet and all the food and dancing, well, you can't blame a girl for getting drowsy. I'm not here for the drawing -- I just wanted to say it is nice to meet you and have a brief audience with the king. Is my tiara on straight?

  71. Yummy!!!! Those French pastries look soo delicious!!!
    Love those pretty vintage postcards...soo lovely :)
    So glad to meet you at the party :)

  72. Woohoo!! I'm so excited to be getting a special gift. You were a wonderful host and I hope you have a refreshing break.


Ooh boy, do I love your comments!
Thanks for stopping by!