
Monday, June 30, 2008

More Fun to Come...

Today's Wonder of the World is...A Little Break-Y-Poo !

Hey Mom. You look awfully happy to have your head in a croc's mouth. Also, since when did you take up golf?

Anyway, I'm taking a little rest this week but don't worry! I've got some fun new posts on tap to keep you company!
There's a PUZZLE! With a PRIZE!!
Another prize?, you ask.
Yes! Yey free stuff!
There's a FUN VIDEO! And FREE FRENCHY ARTWORK for you to download and do whatever you like with it!

I'll be checking in from time to time to check on you, so please say hello.
Or else I'll miss you.
I'm addicted, I'm afraid!

Love, Becky

PS. Check the Mad Tea Party comments to see who won the door prizes! The King should post the winners at some time today. And thanks again for coming to my party! It was delightful!


  1. Have a fantastic break! You will be missed. I am sure there will be another party when you return. xo

  2. If you start having withdrawal pains, just come on back early. We won't mind! Blessings, marlene

  3. OH, the party was fun! I love the pic it's hilarious. Enjoy your break! :)

  4. Have a good break this week Becky!!

  5. HAHA!! Love the photo!
    Have a relaxing break! :)

  6. I know what you mean, Becky. This blogging business can suck you right under (and into the croc's mouth)! Enjoy the break - have fun - relax!!!
    See you next week.

  7. Enjoy your break--I can't think of a time I haven't enjoyed mini golf, and this is the first time I've ever seen it referenced in a blog!

  8. Well the party is over and wasn't it fun? But, I do have a little treat for all those I met waiting at my place.

  9. Hi Becky,

    Enjoy your well deserved break. We will be patiently waiting-hehe.


  10. You all are a bunch of real sweethearts!

  11. Hello, I just popped in from another blog. Then I read your profile and I was intrigued with your dog, Tanner - because our Australian Shepherd was named Tanner. Our favorite dog ever and such a brat! Congratulations on your book, it sounds really good.


Ooh boy, do I love your comments!
Thanks for stopping by!