
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

What's your favorite symbol of Easter?
Lambs or butterflies? Lilies? Easter eggs?
I think the flowery cross is my favorite. I just can't get over God's genius that even in the end (or in the beginning, if you like,) Christ made an ugly instrument of death into something beautiful!
But doesn't that fit?
Wasn't Christ always doing things like that? Turning things upside down, sharing his crazy-to-the-world wisdom in statements like:
The first shall be last,
Happy are those who mourn,

and Whoever humbles himself like a child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

When our Sunday school kids decorated the cross with flowers, they were celebrating what Christ had already done.
I don't know about you, but all this Easter joy has got me singing...
Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes, He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever, with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Happy Easter, y'all!
Love, Becky

PS. Just in case you prefer the symbolism of a lamb to a flowery cross, here's a treat for you!
It's BAAAAAD. (Meaning good, of course!:)


  1. Oh, isn't a lamb just the perfect picture of Easter!?
    Hope yours was lovely.

  2. Okay, I should probably say something spiritual like a lamb or an egg, but the bunny is my favorite Easter thingy! I can't help it!!!

    Happy Easter to one of my favorite peeps!

  3. How pretty! My husband is the music minister in our church and I'm going to pass that picture to him for hopeful future use in service! I'm going to say that my favorite is the lamb.

  4. I love the lamb. I also love the Lily and flowers in general. I hope your Easter was peaceful and lovely. Ours sure was.

  5. I have never seen the flower cross. Beautiful symbol. Thank you for sharing and yes, Jesus is always doing crazy, wonderful, miraculous, supernatural things....Praise the Lord for that. Hope your Easter was joyous.

  6. Hope you had a lovely Easter.
    I love that little lamb!

  7. Yes, our Easter was really nice. And hot! It seems like summer has already arrived!

    If you prefer bunnies to lambs or crosses, you've got to take a look at this:

    That's one big Easter bunny!

  8. Let's try that bunny link again.

  9. I just love how you put it, Rebecca. As always, thanks for this post!

  10. Buster the lamb is WAY more endearing than Buster the Chihuahua. I'll tell you that.

    Hoppy Easter!

  11. The flowery cross is lovely. Looking at it is enough to make me tear up.


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