
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hanging out at the library... / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Do you enjoy hanging out at the library?
As for me and my youngest, it's just about our favorite past time ever.
In fact, I wish I was there right now, wearing the outfit of that cutie on the right. Shorty plaid overalls and knee socks with sandals. And that fabulous vinyl purse, with a library card inside.

Of course, a lot has changed since then.

The clothes aren't nearly as cool, and libraries have even more to offer.
Why, in March alone, our library gives classes on decorating for Easter, navigating the internet, money management for kids, preparing your spring garden, and birding. There are oodles of book clubs, as well as knitting clubs, craft programs for kids and teens, and even an evening of live Celtic music.

Oh, and one more thing. There are thousands of books to take home, free of charge.
What an awesome tool of democracy.

What do you like to do at the library? I get a stack of books and park myself at a big table, while my eleven year old strolls around, perusing the books at his leisure, browsing the videos and the music.
We also love the microfilm. We'll love up some famous sports event and stumble upon the weirdest, most delightful stories!
Like this one, from 1935.

Are you a library lover? Do share!
Love, Becky


  1. Oops. I hate typos.
    We don't love up some famous sports event. We look it up.
    Well, Sam might love it up.

  2. Hi Becky!

    Have you heard about the Bloggers Library-Loving Challenge (March 23-27)?

    Please join us!

  3. I love researching in the old books. The ones they won't let you take away. I used to work in the library in college. My specialty was the rare books.

  4. Oh I love our local library... small town so it is old... has that wonderful familar musty smell!

  5. I have fond memories of the library, the smell, the books, all that information just up for grabs, and visiting there all by myself. Thanks for the memories!

  6. I a so lucky--I even got to WORK at a library while in high school! Every town I've lived in, I've had a library card. The stacks are my favorite place to hang.

  7. Yep, I luv up some libraries too...hehe. Honestly I have always loved being surrounded by so many possibilities in libraries. Speaking of books I am now reading your book and I am loving it. So many characters just outside your door, and apparently, peering in too. How interesting and what an absolute adventure.

  8. Libraries are so important to America and it was my favorite place as a child--a magical wonderland of fabulous stories.

    I haven't been in ages. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. They still have libraries?
    Just kidding. But thanks for the reminder.


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