
Monday, March 15, 2010

Fashion, the Hard(ware) Way

Is this what you wear to the hardware store?
Why not pick up a box of garbage bags the next time you're in, and sew the outfit up yourself?! If you were Jay Nicolas Sario, a designer on this season's Project Runway, you could do exactly that.

How I love Project Runway. Do you watch it? Whenever I feel my creative soul shriveling up, knocking around my body like an old prune, it's my go-to show for re-hydration. And my all time favorite episodes are the ones in which they have to make an outfit out of unconventional materials. Remember the supermarket challenge?

Hello, Solo cup dress! I still find you fascinating.
It's just so cool to watch ordinary things be made into something beautiful. Or maybe it's the other way around: that the created outfits show off the beauty of ordinary things. Either way, it jump starts my creativity.

I like this outfit fine, but the best thing about it is the necklace. It's made of keys and metal screening.

I thought this was cute too, though the bodice is made out of sandpaper.


I'm not so crazy about this one.

Although it does remind me of those aluminum foil blankets we used to lay out on to fry our skin. Remember those? I'm paying my dermatologist for that.

Speaking of repurposing items, I just had to show you this.

Photo from Recyclart
I found it on one of my favorite sites: Recyclart. Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos created it, and I bet you can't guess what it's made of. Click on the photo and find out.
Need a hint? Let's just say it's a very feminine chandelier.

Have a great Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. I love Project Runway, I never miss it…One of my very favorite dresses was a feathery paper dress that was on the show the last season. If I knew it was up on ebay I would have bid until I won.


  2. I never have seen that show, but I know so many people who love it. I am a fashion don't so that's probably why I don't watch it!

  3. What fun Rebecca! : ) Grace loves, loves clothes and fashion. She is a diva girl for sure! I am, like Green Girl In Wisconsin abouve me, a fashion don't! Grace would love to do a makeover on my jeans, pullover shirts and sneakers!

  4. I LOVE Project Runway. I think the designers are amazing. And this season they are fabulous! So exciting! :)

    A tampon chandelier, huh? Wow.

  5. We gave up our TV a few years ago, yet that hasn't stopped me from watching the show. Somehow or other, I find myself sitting in front of a TV set every Thursday night.
    And I cannot believe what that chandelier is made of!

  6. Hey Angie, welcome to the blog!

    I'm glad to find so many PR fans! LW, I LOVED that feathery dress! I know exactly which one you're talking about!
    And GG and Susie Q, you obviously haven't seen me in real life. I don't know beans about fashion and live in yoga pants and a tee shirt most of the time. I just love to watch the designers in action. Their creativity thrills me!

  7. I'm a Project Runway fan...I loved the trash bag/tape outfit too. The designers are so talented.

  8. LOVED this episode of Project Runway!!


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