
Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Heroes!

We interrupt this blogging break to bring you a video that must not be missed.
Hear me?
Take a minute to watch this! You'll be glad you did!

We now return to the previously scheduled blog break...
Love, Becky


  1. That is awesome! As a former teacher, I totally approve!

  2. I know! The teacher in me wants to give each one a hug!

  3. Too cool.
    Hooked on the dancing baby, but this one moved to the head of the class.

  4. OH MY GOODNESS ... I LOVE IT!!!! That is awesome! Beyonce would totally be so proud!!!!

  5. I'm with you! The teaching in me is jumping up and down and dancing.

  6. It's my newest ear worm and it doesn't bother me at all:)

  7. What a great idea for a video. Great message. Completely put a smile on my face and from now on I too will sing this to my boys when they bring home anything less than an A+ :)

  8. Boom! I just died. That was so cute, that I am now dead.

    I forced my husband to stop watching Survivor during TRIBAL COUNCIL just to watch it with me.

    Thank you, Becky.


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