
Monday, January 25, 2010

Wonder Dog

I really should make Tanner a cape. He's been quite the Super Dog this weekend.
Sam is sick, and Tanner has stayed right by his side.
They're buddies, you know.

It's a very sweet thing to see, my baby taking care of my baby.

Remind me of this while I'm cleaning up all the muddy paw prints from this weekend's rain, okay?

Have a wonderful Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Aw, hugs to both Tanner and Sam. Hope Sam feels better soon!

  2. Tanner is so adorably cute and sweet! UK does the same thing, stays right by our sides!

  3. Sweet! I have a 10 y.o. golden and he has been an adventure. Not always a good one but def. an adventure!

  4. Rebecca, I was just introduced to your book and blog by Carol Gillott of Paris Breakfasts. I thoroughly enjoyed your book!

    I've read many of your archived posts, and feel a certain kinship with you. I'm also a Southern girl who's a bit of a Francophile. I, too, sent my daughter off to college this year, and am left with 2 sons at home and Sports Center 24/7. I'm adjusting well thanks to texting and an ongoing, online Scrabble game with her. But I do miss my girl!

    We took a mother-daughter trip to Paris during Spring Break last year with two of her friends, their mothers, and two grandmothers. It was the most wonderful, memory-making trip. One of the grandmothers had moved her family to France from Texas, much like you did (but 35 years ago!). Her husband also worked for a tire company, I think Bridgestone or Firestone. She has kept up with a few French friends and while we were there took a day trip to Le Harve to see them and show her granddaughter where her mother lived for several years. I can't wait to share your book with them!

    Thank you for the poignant tribute to Molly and the link to the essay by Vaughn CroweTipton. I couldn't agree with him more. The good in this fallen world comes from God, and it makes me crazy when other Christians, especially those in the public eye, make comments like Pat Robertson did. Haiti deserves an outpouring of love and prayers from all of us.

  5. Thanks Jama, Jennifer, and T Anne! Sam has now been diagnosed with strep, so hopefully the drugs will kick in soon.

    lstephens, thanks for your comment! I'm so happy that you enjoyed my book. It sounds like we're living the same life. An ongoing online Scrabble game? What a great idea! And I'm glad you liked the essay from Vaughn. He's a great guy and I'm so happy he took the time to write it. It's good to respond when people say crazy, warped things in the name of God. Hugs to you!

  6. What a sweetheart! Hope Sam is feeling better soon. And, thanks SO much for answering everyone's question (including mine) about why the Sounds of Music Gazebo in Salzburg stays locked! Fascinating!! :-)

  7. see? You always knew that dog was special. What a sweetie.

  8. Hi Becky,

    Good-health wishes to Sam.

    And congrats to you for winning the Shrinking Violets contest; you get to pick the Haiti charity.
    (See bottom of today's post:)

    Jenn Hubbard
    (posting as anon because of problems with Open ID)

  9. Yey! Thanks, Jenn! I pick Doctors Without Borders!

  10. Aw! Every family needs a pet--and in my opinion dogs are the best. So loyal, so selfless.

    Feel better Sam!

  11. I hope Sam is feeling better. When I was younger, my cat Dude (yep, that was really her name) would sleep with me only when I didn't feel well, say, if I stayed home from school because I was sick.

  12. Kim, thanks.
    I agree. Cats are great for this too. I remember one night I had an allergic reaction to some medicine. I broke out in hives and stayed up all night, going mad, wanting so badly to scratch off all my skin. Katie our cat stayed up with me, on my lap, trying to lick my face. It's such a nice memory of her.

  13. Aww, so good to see Tanner again! :) I miss his blog! :) Hope Sam is feeling better!

  14. Oh my, how did I miss this cutie? Tanner looks like a real person in the picture where he is wearing a tee shirt.

    That is the most adorable golden lab puppy picture, ever!

    We ended up getting a beagle puppy, but how I wish we could get a golden retriever too!


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