
Friday, January 29, 2010

Dot dot dot...

Do the winter grays have you craving juicy, sunny colors? You need to waltz through the paintings of Paul Signac. They're sure to goose your creative muse.
I once tried to copy this one.

Silly me. I thought pointillism would be easy to mimic. I mean, the colors are already separated for you, in neat little dots or dashes of pure color against white. How hard could it be to just reproduce the colors on a canvas of my own?
Answer: Very hard. Almost impossible, at least for me.
Isn't that so often the case? What looks childlike and simple is really quite complex. I gave up about one third of the way through and started something new.
So now I look upon this tree and marvel.


And look, Signac managed to apply his technique to winter scenes too.

Lovely! I hope this painting brings us good luck for snow this weekend. Old Winter Warlock hasn't visited us yet this winter, and we need one good snowball fight before the crocuses start blooming.

Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Those paintings are gorgeous and unique. I can see why you would want to copy them.

  2. I've thought the same thing--easy! Right? NOT! It's easier to make a regular picture.

  3. I am going to miss the Art Institute of Chicago's amazing collection of pointillism paintings.

  4. These paintings are beautiful! I hope it snows for you this weekend.


  5. Art is like that for me quite a bit. I am fairly artistic and yet it seems I struggle to put what is in my mind onto paper. It looks so good and so easy in my head, but often it doesn't look as good on paper. I guess that is what makes true artists, huh? Amazing. :)

  6. I love pointillism, too! Did you know that the candies we usually call "sprinkles" are actually called "Seurats" after Georges Seurat (famous for "Sunday Afternoon in the Park" in Chicago).

    Cheers! :)

  7. Perfect for today - it is snowing (again) here! I needed a bit of brightness in my world today.

  8. Beautiful art work. I'm an "appreciator" of art but not a creator. That's such a talent.

  9. I could listen to those bebes speak French all day. Adorable!

    And I love pointilism too. But I can't draw or paint to save my life so I leave it to professionals.

  10. Did you win a relief agency donation over at Shrinking Violets last Saturday? Congrats!

  11. Thanks, Emily! Yes, and I chose Drs. without Borders. Such a great organization.


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