
Monday, November 9, 2009

Persimmons Save the Family Farm / CC BY-SA 2.0
Who knew that a quirky fruit like the persimmon could help save a family farm?
It did!
Here's part of the farm I'm talking about, before all the crowds arrived on Saturday.

It was a gorgeous fall day on the Stafford family farm, a perfect day to host the Colfax Persimmon Festival. We got up bright and early and drove three hours to get there, not because we love persimmons, (don't ask me about my puckery childhood persimmon memories) but because we love this man.

This is Gene Stafford. I want to say he's related to the Ramseys, but in truth it's only by heart. Gene became especially dear to our family almost three years ago when Todd's Uncle Harold was killed by a subordinate at work. Harold and Gene had been close friends for many, many years, and he was one of those sweet souls who stood with us in mourning and in celebration of Harold's life. Since Harold's death, he's even been a part of our family gatherings. We love him dearly.

Gene's family has owned the Stafford farm since the 1700's, but the taxes are expensive. So he came up with the brilliant idea of raising money by hosting a persimmon festival. This was its second year and a great success!

All sorts of vendors rented space to sell their wares.
There was incredible ironwork.

People pressing apples into cider...

And gourds!

I love the bowls too.

Cheryl Hudgins is the artist. You can find her in Kernersville, NC.

There was even barbecue!

Hey! I know that guy with the pig! That's my father in law, working his BBQ magic.
They sold a pig's worth of sandwiches, plus more they'd brought from home.

With sweet tea, of course!
What more could you want? BBQ, gourds, music and sunshine.

Not to mention saving an old homeplace.

(Underneath that siding is a log frame!)

So how was your weekend? I hope you had a nice one!

Love, Becky
PS. Here's the weirdest persimmon video I could find. Maybe it's France's fault, but I love watching TV in another language and trying to guess the story line. Can you figure it out?


  1. Oh, I love those types of festivals. It looks like so much fun! And I love those gourds! They are just gorgeous. :)

  2. I don't know that I've ever had a persimmon. My mother had plenty of stories about puckered mouths. I was never really interested in trying them. I didn't realize they were so big. They look like apples in that video.

  3. You mean the subtitles didn't help you out? :D

    What a beautiful house! That looks like a great festival. Hope his success continues.

  4. I've never had a persimmon. They are huge.

  5. I love persimmons, but the kind that we eat here in Japan (and the kind in that video) are more flat and actually kind of square looking. They don't give you the pucker at all, and are very sweet if you let them get good and ripe.

    We also have the kind in your photo, but they are known as the ones you shouldn't eat. If you ever find some Japanese persimmons at a farmer's market give them a try.

    My daughter watched that video with me, and gave a running commentary about how the persimmon she was holding wasn't ripe enough to eat anyway, and how she better not climb that tree, because persimmon trees have weak thin branches (can you tell we have a lot of persimmon trees around here?). That would be dangerous!

    Fun video, and easy to understand even without the benefit of knowing Chinese (we could read a little of the subtitles, though).

  6. Wonderful Becky I love creative people and how he came up with this clever idea.

    I am so shocked and sorry to hear about the death of your uncle though.

    Love Renee xoxo

  7. Sue, how about that! That's funny. The persimmons I remember from my childhood persimmon traumas were much smaller--when I saw the pic on flickr I assumed we'd just had a runt producing tree. Obviously I'm not up on my persimmon knowledge!

    Thank your daughter for the translation! It's a beautiful language!

    Renee, thanks about Harold. The memory still shocks me.

  8. We have a huge persimmon tree in our yard and I've been wondering since we moved here what I'll do with all of those persimmons.

  9. I hold such a soft spot for farmers such as your uncle Harold. Our land here in pre-Silicon Valley was mostly orchards and farms. Now those are pretty much obsolete. I sure hope he holds onto that farm. Keep us posted, ok?
    I'm also so deeply sorry to hear that your husband's uncle was murdered.

  10. I wish i could have been there, it looks like it was lots of fun!

  11. What a great story! The festival looked like a huge success and so much fun. :O)

  12. i like his idea and that his neighbors can help out, but still make a little $$ too. both win~

  13. My mother had plenty of stories about puckered mouths.

    Work from home India


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