
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Invasion of the Elves

In the craziness of the Christmas season, I keep trying to call forth the peace and stillness that the shepherds might have shared on the silent grazing fields. But then I remember that the angels came and kind of blew that away with heavenly Joy.
Now, if I could just focus on the joy part, and not so much on the nutty run-around-like-a-chicken-with-my-head-cut-off part.

So in the spirit of Christmas JOY, enjoy dancing with Santa's helpers. Maybe when they're done with their fun, they can attack our To Do lists!
Have a fabulous Wednesday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. I ask you, HOW can you not look at an elf and SMILE? Seriously giddy, Green Girl

  2. These elves make me feel tickly all over. Thanks for the holiday treat!! ♥

  3. Such joy those Elves project. Not offending anybody, no serious agenda to push, seeminly just expressing and sharing JOY! The segway was unexpected in there - I want one for Christmas! Thanks for bringing these fun videos to us.

  4. I'm keeping it all in stride this year. At least so far. We had a concert all about the Savior last week where I sang a song. It really helped set the mood and our sites on the real meaning of Christmas. I'm trying to keep that in mind as I maneuver through the season.

  5. What a fun video……


  6. Oh my God I love it, and just seeing Will Farrow's face below makes me laugh.

    Love Renee xoxoxo

  7. please come help with my to-do lists little elf friends!

  8. These elves make me feel tickly all over. Thanks for the holiday treat!

    Work from home India


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