
Monday, November 16, 2009

Art for the Heart

Jerri Gray, one of Triune's artists
Last week I attended an art show at Triune Mercy Center, and it super-charged me.
Remember Triune, the non-denominational church with the central mission to help the homeless? I blogged about it back in September, and introduced you to my amazing friend, Pastor Deb Richardson-Moore.

One of the coolest things about Triune is its art room. Karen Lucci, a local artist, came up with the idea, and now it's the hopping place to be every Sunday and Wednesday afternoon. There are no classes--just supplies and open seats at the tables. You can't always tell who is homeless and who isn't, and it doesn't matter.

About a year ago, several art room regulars approached Karen with an idea. They would donate their art for a sale open to the community with the proceeds going back to Triune. After receiving so much from the ministry, they wanted a chance to be the providers.
Last Thursday it happened. And lucky for us, Sam and I were able to attend.

We enjoyed food and conversation with the artists...

as well as some incredible art.
Much of it was religious in nature.
Like this one...

And this lovely piece...

And this folk art...

But other subjects were also explored and expressed.

I like this too.

If all of those pieces weren't enough to warm your heart, there were artfully made scarves and clothing for sale as well.

It was a chilly night, but we left toasty warm and completely inspired.
I hope this kindles your creativity too!
Have a great Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky
PS. Almost forgot! A billion thank you's to Lacey Ruff, a beautiful, talented, generous Furman student I met at the show, who was sweet enough to lend a total stranger her camera when the dodo brain (me) left her memory stick at home. Thanks, Lacey!


  1. Art is such a great thing for everyone. I'm glad you had fun. Don't you just love generosity?

  2. That is such an inspiring and amazing thing--both the mission and the art show. How cool!

  3. Lovely idea, and there are some nice pieces in the show.
    I'd love to have an art room to hang out in - all those creative vibes in the air...

  4. Beckie that looks wonderful and how empowering.


  5. Wow, that is really an amazing idea! It made a big lump in my throat too!
    Sandra Evertson

  6. What a wonderful event. This art work is truly amazing. Thanks for sharing this inspiring post. Happy week to you....and thanks for visiting me.

  7. Super idea combining the two, mission and art, who woulda' thunk it? This Ozarks farm chick is so glad I popped in and enjoyed the ride.

    Ya'll have yourselves one glorious day filled with many blessings!!!

  8. Hi Becky,

    What a wonderful idea. You and Sam were very fortunate to be there. Lots of good vibes.


  9. WOW. Very inspiring. I love when God's love and grandeur bring us together.

  10. What a cool program! Sounds like an perfect evening!!!


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