
Monday, October 12, 2009

Kidding Around

Happy Monday!
What's that face for? Is your Monday To Do list making you sad?
Why not trade it in for the list given to me Sunday morning? No matter your faith, you'll be sure to enjoy it.

A little explanation first: Sunday was Children's Sabbath at my church, and we reflected on the scriptures that instruct us that we must be more like children in order to enter the kingdom of God. But how do you do that? The kids gave us their own To Do List. Here's part of it:

1. Ride a bike.
2. Do karate.
3. Don't be so boring.
4. Stop taking naps in front of the tv.
5. Play.
6. Do the monkey bars.
7. Go to birthday parties and stay until the place closes.
8. Spend more time with your child.
9. Let a child read to you.
10. Draw more.
11. Be more imaginative.
12. Sometimes you have to put aside work for fun and creativity.
13. Get more excited about things.
14. Go back to school
15. Listen more and don't give orders all the time.
16. Ask a lot of good questions.
17. Don't freak out about the economy.

Great list, huh?
We even had homework--a picnic later that afternoon!

So what would you add to the list? What puts you in touch with your inner child?

Have a wonder-full Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky

PS. Need help in the fun department? Let these babies lead you!


  1. The roller babies made me laugh so hard that my cat looked at me like I was crazy and jumped off my lap!

  2. Love that list!!
    Can you even imagine what would happen if I tried to get into the same position as those two young ones in the first picture? Most definitely it would not be a pretty picture.

  3. Oh gosh, great post! Am I ever glad I stopped by today! I really need to live with a more joyful state of mind. Life is happening right now all around me. =)

  4. The roller babies cracked me up!

    Funny how kids see us - I love "don't be so boring" and "get more excited about stuff." Great list.

  5. great post and great children's sabbath yesterday! I was really glad I listened on the radio yesterday. Sam did a great job! And the list was funny. I think it's important to point out that Sam was the one who said "Don't freak out about the economy!" haha that was the funniest one.

  6. I love the list. Perfect.

    Renee xoxo

  7. Do karate. Check. hahaha
    I think it's true, we need to tap into our fun, creative, playful side. I was thinking of this idea (be like children) the other day while discussing creation with my kids. Their staunch belief in things and natural curiousity is so important in faith.

  8. Hi Becky,

    That is some list! Love it.
    I love that commercial- I could watch it forever but then I couldn't
    finish my list.

    The gentleman in the last post is living right. I hope to be just like that when I'm 100.


  9. Wow -- what a great list of excellent reminders. xo

  10. what a super fun list. But that video? A little creepy. ;)

  11. what a great reminder to have faith like a child, thanks!

  12. Stop being so boring! Hahahaha!

    That made my night.

    But the kids are right. My new goal is to leave work by 6pm. I need to spend more time enjoying life.

  13. Loved this post! the babies are hilarious! thanks.


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