
Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Weirdo Dog Wants You!

Can't you see it in his wild, nutball face?
I'm sorry, but I can't contain him any longer. Tanner the Slobber Dog is getting a blog of his own. But don't you worry. I will serve as his Chief Blog Warden, just so things don't get too out of control.
And since I'll be in charge of the keyboard, I get to name the blog. I've chosen My Dog Is So Weird.
Appropriate, don't you think?
Won't you please swing by for a visit? Feel free to bring any friends who like weirdo dogs. Even become a follower, if you want, though that might give Tanner the big head--and earn you a slobbery kiss with that freckled tongue of his.

Today, he and I are posting a video in which he demonstrates the art of operating a doorknob with doggy paws. (Just warning you...Be sure Fido isn't watching, unless you want to hear Bad Dog Reports the next time you pick him up from a weekend at the kennel. But that's another story...)

I'll still be hanging out here too, keeping track of the wonders that inspire me. Knowing Tanner, he'll pop in now and then. I couldn't stop him if I tried!

Have a great Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. You go Tanner! I will swing on by. Tell mom, you are not a weirdo just very interesting.


  2. I think your dog is gifted;)

  3. Is it a food blog? I know how much Tanner likes to eat.

    I am a big fan of weird dogs.

  4. Funny. I'll have to run check out the amazing escapades of Tanner the Slobber dog.

  5. You know that blog title begs the question, "How weird is he?" :-D

  6. Was bound to happen sooner or later - the blog has gone to the dogs... I mean dog.

  7. I know all about weido dogs...LOL I can't wait to view Tanners new blog.Do stop by ,I'm having a givaway...XXOO Marie Antionette

  8. How cute is this. I just looked at Tanners blog. He's very good looking and quite the charmer.
    Take care and you and Tanner enjoy your day,

  9. I just checked out Tanner's blog. He is so cool. I will be hanging out with you both!

  10. It can't get better than this!!!!


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