
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mercy in Action...and in Art!

Not much jolts my creativity into overdrive like spending time with my friend Deb Richardson-Moore.
Do you know Deb? Let me introduce you.

Deb is the pastor of Triune Mercy Center, a non-denominational mission church to the homeless. It's funny how life changes, isn't it? Deb wrote for The Greenville News for 27 years, found herself covering the church scene, and decided to take some seminary classes to understand it better. Before she knew it, she'd graduated from seminary and had taken on the pastorship of Triune. Life at Triune has been quite a wild ride. When she first got there, her staff consisted of a drug addict, an alcoholic, and the alcoholic's wife. (Watch a fascinating interview with Deb here.)

But now...the worship is joyous and includes quite a crowd, homeless and not.

Besides worship and Sunday school, the church offers four hot meals a week,

a clothes closet,

weekend laundry services,

Wednesday morning distribution of groceries, hygiene products, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and Backyard Mission Days to educate churches to problems of the homeless.

But this has to be one of my favorite programs...

Photo courtesy of
Yes! An art room!
A local artist named Karen Lucci recognized the fact that most everyone has a need to express themselves in some way. (Hop over here to meet Karen and learn more.)
There are no formal classes, no planned projects. Karen offers the materials and each artist creates whatever he/she wishes.

Photo courtesy of
Isn't it beautiful?
Their creations are too.

Have a wonder-full Wednesday, y'all!
Love, Becky
PS. For local folks, mark your calendars. Triune's Art Room is having an art sale on November 12, 2009. I can't wait!


  1. Something so positive from something so sad.
    As the nights turn cooler my first thought are those without homes.
    I stand up and applaud both women, very inspirational.
    I am very impressed with Deb Richardson and her attitude of helping a person
    believe in them self so that they can change their life.
    So many organizations feed the belly but forget about the soul.


  2. Thank you for introducing us to a modern day saint! What a beautiful place with a blessed mission.

  3. The art room looks great. Mercy is right, thanx for the inforamative post.

  4. Amazing compassion Deb developed over the years for those in need. Many of them at a very low point in their lives, and somehow they come across Triune and find a wealth of offerings to help ease the struggles they're going through. There must be a lot of stories of lives becoming more enriched and more whole while attending this Church where mercy and compassion runs high in the hearts of those that are members. This is a Church of real action, not just words.

  5. Hi Rebecca,
    Sorry I haven't been around lately.
    Extremely busy!!
    You always have such great and positive posts!!

  6. What a wonderful story and lovely post. Thanks for introducing us to Deb and her friends. Take care, Susan.

  7. It always inspires me when I see what good things people are doing for their communities. I love those Art classes. It's amazing what creating things can do for our souls.

  8. Becky now that is a church I could belong to.

    Practicing what you preach is a very rare occurence these days.

    Thank you Becky.

    Love Renee xoxo

  9. I need to meet this woman. Seriously.

  10. Yes, Leah, you must! I hope I can introduce you to each other sometime. She's amazing--and really fun!

  11. Wow, wow, wow ... what an amazing and inspiring woman and story!!!

  12. What a remarkable story!!! So glad you shared. So glad SHE shared.


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