
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pop-Up Magic

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Pop-Up Book!

Flickr photo by neridakirkley
Doesn't every child love a pop- up book? And almost every adult too? (Except the grouchy cynics. And the book snobs.)
Come on! They're fun, people!
Some books are so interesting I'd like to hang them on my walls!

Flickr photo by Please Sir
If I had to crown the kings of the Pop Up Book world, they would have to be Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart. They've created some truly incredible books, both individually and in collaboration with each other.
I always find it inspiring to hear writers and artists talk about their work, so I really enjoyed this little interview with étapes. Don't let the French intro scare you. The discussion is all in English, beginning around the 20 second mark.

Cool, huh? Photos just don't do this topic justice.
Won't you take a couple more minutes to hop over HERE and watch the video? Pretty please? It adds one more creative form to the pop up story/art mix--a beautiful song by Lisa Hannigan!
Enjoy, my friends! Have a wonder-full Wednesday!

Before you skedaddle, tell me, do you have a favorite pop-up book? One for kids? Adults? The Pop-Up Book of Phobias? The one of nightmares?
Now that my kids are long past the pop-up destroying stage, I just might start a new collection!
Love, Becky


  1. Oh my god Beckie, I love pop up books and have never heard of these guys.

    They are brilliant and the Alice book, wow.

    I love the idea of making a picture on the wall. That is brilliant.


  2. OMGosh!!! I LOVE love LoVe POP-up books! I just think they are one of life's little, as you say! I've made pop up cards before, but they've never been as fabulous as these babies! :)

  3. That Alice book is amazing...all those cards! How does anyone have the patience to create one?

    I've seen some very intricate pop-up greeting cards, too. They are such fun.

  4. I just love Robert Sabuda's wonderful books! I give them for presents whenever I can!

  5. I love this post, I love pop up books.
    But never would have thought about placing them on the wall as art.

    Thanks for the clever idea.


  6. I love pop-up books but don't really have a favorite.

    There's something so deliciously old-fashioned about them. And I sort of love that there's no way for them to become e-books.

    My favorite one as a kid was this one about Da Vinci. It had all his little machines in it!

  7. I love pop-up books too. They are so amazing. All the engineering that it takes to make them open and close. I love the ones that Sabuda and Reinhart make. I may have to make a collection like you now that the kids are old enough not to tear them apart.

  8. what a lovely post - our favourite of the moment is: Sounds of the wild - ocean - Maurice Pledger. Great images and even better real recordings of the creatures inside. A book for special days under supervision only. :-)

  9. I don't understand why pop-up books don't cost $500.00!!! Deke has the most amazing Star Wars pop-up book, it is a miracle of engineering.
    Your Pal,

  10. Ohhhh I SO LOVE pop up books. I TOTALLY forgot about those. I so love your blog and all that you post. I love that you remind us of old things often forgotten about from our childhoods, and even new things sometimes. Love it!

    Have a great day!! =)

  11. Pop-up books amaze me ... I just sit there and stare at the work that has gone into them ... it's incredible.

  12. I love pop-up books too. I have a small collection including some by Robert Sabuda. I am a big fan of Robert Sabuda.
    I think my most unusual book is the Maxfield Parrish pop-up book, with 3-D versions of his paintings. Whimsical.

  13. Oh YES Becky,
    I do adore popup books! Your alice In Wonderland book is amazing! I have a circus one, that I have saved for many years & still adore!

    Hope all is well in your world!


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