
Monday, June 29, 2009

It's a Long Way to Topiary

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Topiary!

Flickr photo by Gordy St
Recognize this famous garden? Yes, those are topiaries at Versailles, which I saw a lot of since they don't allow strollers inside the château. No problem! One day I'll see inside the gilt interiors. Touring the gardens was fine with me.

I spent much of my life in France like this:

See Sammy run?
That particular chase was through the gardens of Château de Cordès, about a half hour from our village. Isn't it pretty?

Flickr photo by Denis Trente- Huittessan
Note the topiaries!

This weekend we enjoyed some topiaries South Carolina style. (That means with sweat dripping down our faces.) But it was still fun.
The little town of Greenwood had their flower festival on Saturday, so we waited until Sunday and got in our car...

Wait, that's not our car!
Anyway, we waited for the crowds to vamoose and went to take a look at the leftover topiaries.
We saw dinosaurs,


and elephants!

And look, a dog! He's hanging out by the fire hydrant, of course!

Now Todd wants to grow his own leafy version of Tanner the Slobber Dog!
At least it wouldn't steal the sausage off the kitchen counter, wrapper and all.
I won't go into that story.

We had a great time seeing the topiaries, but the trip just fed my mad desire to stop by Pearl Fryar's house in Bishopville on our next trip to the beach. Have you heard of A Man Named Pearl?
He's the one with the wonderfully wacky topiary yard. See?

Flickr photo by ksf2c
Some local bigots didn't want an African American man and his family in their neighborhood and complained that they wouldn't keep up his yard. He made it his goal to win Yard of the Month and began his topiary work. He ended up becoming a local hero.
Sounds like a movie, right? It is!
The trailer is fabulous. I'm dying to see the film!

Have a wonder full Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Oh, I LOVE topiaries! That dog by the fire hydrant is funny.

    So, Tanner really stole some sausage off the counter, wrapper and all? Uck! I had two cats that at an entire bag of a dozen potato rolls from the best bakery in town once. I was shocked...they had always disdained breads of every kind before that. Of course it had to be the most expensive bread available, LOL! Only the best for my kitties, LOL!

  2. I love this entry! We have topiaries in our new front yard and I love them. However, I never thought of the crazy topiaries you found on your trip. I'll tell you what, if Todd makes one of Tanner, we'll make one of UK! :-)

  3. I LOVE topiaries too!
    And I love the video!

  4. I was just looking up how to make table size topiary the other day….
    My theme for my Easter table is going to be around the new Alice in Wonderland movie by Tim Burton.
    I know Easter is a long way away but I can get all the garden type things on summer clearance. It pays to think ahead.
    Oh my, that video gave me Goose bumps..
    Good for him….


  5. Your title made me laugh!
    Cool post!

  6. That's a totally cool story for the movie. I love topiary. It is my dream to have some (maybe even create some?) one day. (BTW, I thought "topiary" was already plural?) I won't quite be Edward Scissorhands. In fact, I'll probably be lucky if my topiary resembles anything other than a blobby bush (maybe I could make a marshmallow peep?). But it sure would be fun to try!

  7. So I looked it up and "topiaries" is right. But I still don't like it. Did you ever meet a word you just didn't want to exist? ;0)

  8. Ooo! So cool! That last pic is amazing. My stupid computer won't let me watch the clip, but I'll try again later. :)

  9. I'd love to see that film - what a wonderful story.
    Fun topiaries!

  10. I wish I had a couple topiaries...they add so much elegance, don't they?

  11. Adore all your Topiary photos,and topiary in general! The video it great too! Do you have any topiary?


    Happy Monday!

  12. Hi Rebecca!
    How fantastic is your blog, I love it so much.The photos are beautiful.
    Please, Would you follow me, because I'm afraid lost your blog.I'm follow you.

  13. I feel like I have seen this documentary on the Ovation channel, the clip you have is making me want to see it gain!
    Greenwood's public topiaries are amazing!

  14. I love those topiaries also.

    Totally envy those of you that have them in your yard!!

  15. Topiaries serve as a reminder that it's never smart to cut my own hair. Don't get me wrong - topiaries are cool - Tanner's cooler, & Sammy has moved ahead to waaaay cool.

    BTW - Whoever did that topiary of the fire hydrant was REALLY good!!!

  16. Topiaries are so cool!!
    Have a great 4th of July!

  17. I have never seen a *greener* car than that. I wonder what kind of mileage it gets.;-0

  18. Those truly are artistic wonders! I love the topiaries. The car was interesting. Love that chateau as well. Wow!

  19. What a cool story about Pearl! I love it when people stick it to 'em!

    Topiaries are the best. Only the French would think of something like that...

  20. I love topiaries, too! I loved Versailles....been there twice, but I never got into the Chateau, either! (National Bank holiday the first time, and didn't make the last entrance time the second!) Maybe it's time for a trip together? With Linda, of course?!


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