
Friday, May 1, 2009

Le Ballon Rouge

Today's Wonder of the World is...Le ballon rouge

Flickr photo by .sonidos.
Have you seen Le ballon rouge? It's one of my favorite films of all time--just 34 minutes long, without one single word of dialogue.

Flickr photo by ipa
It's a beautiful, whimsical film by French filmmaker Albert Lamorisse about the adventures of a boy who finds a balloon on his way to school. It won an Oscar for best original screenplay in 1956 and a Palme d'Or for short films at Cannes.
The little boy is played by Lamorisse's son Pascal, and his daughter also acts in the film.
Take just a few minutes and watch the opening. The film actually starts around the 1:24 mark.

Beautiful, huh? It inspired the 2007 French film, Le voyage du ballon rouge, which I'd love to see. Watch the trailer here.

Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. I loved balloons as a child -- and still do -- all these many years later.

  2. I remember that film. I think it kind of freaked me out as a kid

  3. I'm hooked! What a charmer. I'll definitely look this one up soon.

  4. I think I have seen that film! LOL!

    Hope you're having a lovely day! Have a great weekend! I have to go buy some
    "ballons blanc"
    tomorrow for a shower! That what the hostess wants! :) I guess blanc goes with everything! :)

  5. Oh, I have seen that film several times. :)

    My blog post today was inspired by you, by the way:


  6. I haven't seen this since I was little. I would love to watch it again!

  7. I keep saying I'll watch the movie, but I haven't yet. Thanks for the reminder!

    The whole idea sounds so whimsical!

  8. Looks like a fun movie. Hope to see it some day.

  9. That is one of my favorite movies!

    I would love to find a copy of it somewhere.


  10. I wept buckets when I first saw this movie as a child. It is still one of my favorites!!


  11. Y'all can find it on youtube if you want. You may have to see it in parts, but it's worth it!

  12. I loved this movie…
    I had a wonderful art teacher in junior high that ran a small after school art club.
    One of the activities was the showing of this movie.
    I fell in love, as a following project my best friend and I decked out in out very French berets handed out
    red balloons to children who came to our art festival.

    Thank you for letting me know about the new movie.


  13. I remember that film--but I recall it as being rather melancholy.

  14. I never tire of seeing that little boy with his beautiful red balloon. Just what I needed today to lift my spirits :-)

  15. This has been one of my favorite movies since I saw it in elementary school. I just recently shared it with my husband and couldn't believe he'd never heard of Le Ballon Rouge. I caught the photo from City Farmer and had to click on your blog - merci de partager un si beau film!

  16. I LOVE that movie but I haven't seen it since grade school. They showed it to us in school for some reason. I don't remember much about it, but I remember that I loved it. I'll have to watch it again now.
    Thanks for posting it! :)

  17. SOOOOoo loved this post. Somehow, I "lost" your glad to have found you again!! =)

  18. Happy to see your blog again, it has been a long time. Hugs***REnea

  19. Hi Becky,

    What a charming clip. I think I may have seen it but not sure (CRS creeping in- can't remember stuff).

    I need to find it now.

    Have a balloon filled weekend.


  20. I love it, and am going to snuggle and watch again and again!! Balloons, especially red shiny ones, are magical!!


  21. Yeah, I saw that a long time ago and loved it.

  22. Becky the first picture of the little boy and the red balloon is amazing.

    Love Renee xoxo


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