
Friday, April 10, 2009

You're A Good Egg

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Artistic Egg!

Okay, so that one's not really artistic, but I just can't get enough of that baby belly! Would you like to humiliate your family members with embarrassing photos of your own? Hop over here and go to it. But I should warn you, it's dangerously easy. Before you know it you'll have a carton full!
(By the way, don't report me to DSS. Sam gave me permission to share his photo with you. I had to beg and bribe with a half hour later bedtime, but he finally said yes!)

Now, on to the artistic ones!
I've got a bunch to show you. Most are from Etsy and if you click on the photo, you'll zoom straight over to the shop. Enjoy!

Can you believe this was done with a dentist's drill?


I like a pop art egg too.

Photo by
Mmm, mm, good.

This one might be my favorite.

Photo by
I probably like it because it's a quote from my boyfriend Abe Lincoln.
Abe, you're so wise and witty!

This one also caught my eye.

Photo by
Eggs and butterflies--both symbols of new life, rebirth! Perfect for Easter!
I think Sam and I might try some decoupaged eggs this weekend. I've got some old French newsprint that would be fun to use.

How about an egg with a cool silhouette?

Photo by

Or a flowery one...

Photo by

Everyone loves the Ukranian Pysanky eggs.

Photo by
The borders and patterns are so perfect that you might think they were stamped on!

Speaking of stamps...

Photo by
Hey! There's my boyfriend!

So, have you climbed on board the Easter Egg bus by now?

Flickr photo by gerardcastaneda

Whether your eggs are delivered by the Easter Bunny or by the Flying Bells, les cloches de Pâques ...

Happy Easter everyone!
Put on your bonnet and enjoy the parade!

Love, Becky

PS. You think the Easter eggs in my postcard are big? Check out the ones at the Giant Easter Egg Festival at St. Antonin Nobel Val in southwestern France. The narration is in English and there are French kids dressed up like chicks! What more could you want?!


  1. These are cool. I always have high hopes of artistic eggs each year. This year I'll be lucky to even dye them before Easter. ugh!

  2. Great Eggs...

    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter....


  3. I did marbleized eggs one year using oil paint and water. It was so easy and my mom kept hers for months. Happy Easter, Becky! Susan

  4. I've always loved the Ukrainian eggs.
    I had never seen stamped eggs before.
    Happy Easter!

  5. Beautiful and fun egg photos, Becky! Love 'em! Poor Sam, LOL!

  6. Your posts are such inspirations for me!
    ~ Wendy

  7. Beautiful stuff! We saw some at Epcot in one of the German shops that were absolutely stunning!

    Happy Easter!

  8. Love the eggs...very pretty!


  9. Hi Rebecca,
    Love the eggs!
    Have a Happy Easter!

  10. Eggcellent! (Yes, I know ... groan.)

    I think you must have a French postcard for every occasion!

    Jenn H.

  11. Hi Becky (:)
    Very cute egg post ..Love seeing it..
    Happy Easter to ya..

    hugs, Patty

  12. Wow! Leave it to the French to hop to the beat of their own drum. Flying bells? That go to Rome? And then come back with eggs? And ring their little hearts out?

    I suppose it's no weirder than an egg-laying bunny!

    PS I think I'm going to make my husband wear a top hat and tails this Easter. How festive!

  13. How pretty some of those eggs are!
    Happy Easter to you and your family:-)

  14. I loved the link to the French egg event!

    Happy Easter,

  15. Becky please thank your son for the good laugh.

    I love the eggs, I really like the be a good one too. But I must admit I am partial to the Ukrainian eggs.

    Happy Easter to you and the family.

    Love Renee xoxo

  16. Happy Easter to y'all too!
    How I love my blogging buddies!

  17. Great post -- I wasn't even aware of the festival in St Antonin, even though it's not all that far from here. I loved that video!

  18. Such fun! I love the silhouettes and the flowery eggs.
    Happy Easter!!

  19. Very cool eggs. The egg bus is cute!
    Whenever my grandfather was pleased with something we did, he called us "a good egg".

    Happy Easter!

  20. EGG-traordinary!
    My husband paints Pysanky eggs. I tried it but...found it too agonizing when my wax wouldn't produce the masterpiece that was in my vision.

    Sweet Easter wishes,

  21. I love all these different eggs! Hope you are having a great day!


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