
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Cue the Confetti...It's My Blog Birthday!

Today's Wonder of the World is...A One Year Blog Birthday!

Flickr photo by Joe Sales
Woo hoo!
Just one year ago today, I hung my little bloggy shingle out on the information super highway, wrote my first lonely post, and wondered if anybody would stop by to visit.
For some crazy reason you did!
Yey you!

Do you know how much you mean to me? I tell all my three dimensional friends how much fun you are, what insightful, hilarious, profound things you say, and how you make me think and laugh.
You people and your creative blogs add so much to my life. I appreciate you!

So I thought I would throw us a little party!
Who wants cake?

Photo by
(The cupcake's from Etsy, of course. Check it out!)

As you can see, I'm going with a confetti theme.

Here, have a seat in a confetti chair.

Flickr photo by daretoaffirm
Would you like some confetti to eat?

Flickr photo by Allen81
Yes, that's confetti! Did you know that the English word confetti is related to Italian confetti, the Jordan almond! So if you're in Italy and someone offers you confetti... eat it-- don't throw it. You could hurt someone!

How about a confetti egg, a cascarone?

Photo by
I found those at Etsy too, though I've made my own. It's a fun way to egg the ones you love.
Shall I toss an egg at you? No, I'd rather shower you with presents!

Ever since I won Barb's contest, I've been in a gift giving mood.
Look at the goodies that arrived this weekend!

I'm such a lucky duck! A lucky duck with awesome makeup, a fabulous pendant, and the coolest tile I've ever seen! You're so generous, Barb! Thanks again!

So why don't I have my own little give-away, to share my happiness for having friends like you?
Now... what shall I give away?

How about Paul Signac's painting of Le chateau des Papes, in Avignon?

I love how his little confetti brush marks create such a beautiful scene.
No, sorry, I can't give that away. It's in a museum somewhere.

How about a confetti chandelier?

Flickr photo by kawwsu29
Isn't it stunning?
Sorry. The folks at the Wichita Art Museum probably want to keep it.

What about a confetti quilt?

Flickr photo by pbev
Gorgeous, huh? An artist named Carol Taylor made it. Sorry, I can't give you that either.

So what can I give you?
All I've got is French junk.
I'm sure I could find a couple books to go with it.

I'll do two drawings. Feel free to enter both! Or none--it won't hurt my feelings one bit. I'm well aware that not everyone is as nutty about Frenchy junque as I am.

Here's what goes to the winner of drawing #1.

It's a collection of all sorts of French paper stuff--old postcards, pages from a 1925 Illustration magazine, a cover from 1903 La Mode, and anything else I feel like throwing into the pile. It might be fun for a collage artist, a scrapbooker, a francophile or a lover of junque. Or a pack rat.

My second drawing is for this precious cup and saucer I found at a French flea market. It's old transferware with a chip or two. Click on the photos for a better view.

So there you go!
To enter, just leave a comment for me at the end of this post. Be sure to tell me if you want to enter the drawing, which drawings you're interested in, and how to contact you if you don't have a blog.
I'll do the drawing on Sunday and announce the winners Monday morning.
Don't be shy. Enter even if you've never commented before! You're invited too!

And please, give yourself a hug for me.

Flickr photo by John Ox
Thank you for being part of the fun!
Before you run off, take a spin with me and the Jackson 5...

Have a wonder-full Wednesday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Happy B-Day Becky. Can't believe it's only been a year. Seems like we've been 'friends' for much longer. Here's a toast to you & your blog. (No worries - it's just coffee.) Keep up the great work.

  2. Happy Bloggy B-day, Becky! So, now, let me get this straight....what you're saying is that when I gush over how much I love my readers that I sound desperate? Um...gosh, I'm not sure how to take that, Becky!


    I'd love to win the givwaway package #1 for sure! Count me in for that one! :)

  3. Happy Birthday to a beautiful, always fascinating blog! I'm so glad I found it. As a collage artist-want-to-be, I'd love to enter that one. My sister is a francophile and teacher of high school French, I could share some with her too.
    Keep up the good work... your blog is an original.

  4. Happy blogersary! I'd love to enter your collage building give away. (Even if it were just for the fabulous April fool card, what a super find that is).

  5. Happy blog birthday! I don't even know when mine is - I should check that out. And I've never done a giveaway - I get all traumatized by having to add the post office into the list of errands I need to do. I should definitely follow your blog hostess example and do that sometime! I'd like to be entered in either of these lovely drawings, because French goodies from the author of French By Heart just seems heavenly.

  6. Happy Birthday to one of my fave blogs! C'est tres magnifique!

  7. Happy Birthday Rebecca! You can put my name in the hat for the cup and saucer, I'm sure I can make room for it somewhere. I have enjoyed your blog and look forward to it. Enjoy your day. Susan

  8. Happy Birthday to one of the most creative blogs I read!

  9. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!!
    I love you and what you do here.
    You can turn my crappy moods on a dime. Happy Happy Blog B'day, Becky.
    If I knew where your 3 dimensional house was I'd send you a prezzie.
    It feels WRONG, but if you insist I'll take my chances on that sweet teacup and saucer.
    Celebrate, girl! Have a marvy day.
    Eat a macaroon or something.

  10. Happy Bloggy Birthday!

    Since I already won a copy of French by Heart and a French postcard, I'll sit out this contest. I just wanted to comment anyway! : )

  11. Happy Bloggiversary! I can't believe it's only been a year. You're so good at this. I love the confetti chair. My hubby would have a cow if I ever brought something like that home, but I'd enjoy it somewhere else. As for the drawings, I'm in purge mode so I can't take anything else into my house. I'm sure you understand.

  12. Happy Blog Birthday! Hope you are still having as much fun writing as I am reading it. I'd love to enter both drawings as I am a die- hard francophile. Have a great day!

  13. Happy Blog Birthday.....I have checked in often this past year....Really learned alot....Thanks for all your hard work.

  14. Happy birthday! I'd love that cup and saucer:) This is a wonder-ful way to celebrate your special day!

  15. Happy Blog Birthday, Becky!!! What a wonderful milestone ... and such an incredible blog!!! Always fascinating, creative, interesting, and hilarious! How exciting that you're doing a giveaway ... of wonderful things from France! Very nice! Count me in for the cup/saucer drawing!

  16. Happy BlogDay! This is my first time dropping by but it certainly won't be my last! Lovely to meet you and find your blog. Prize #1 for me to play with please and thank you.

  17. UhOh...I crashed a party! Sorry! Nice blog and Happy Blogaversary to you!

  18. Happy Blogoversary! Gee, I feel old. My blog was "born" on April 2 so I'm 13 days older than you. What a great celebration you're having - and you should. You deserve it. You have a wonderful blog!

  19. You have quite a loyal following for just one year!!! I have so enjoyed every single post.
    Where is the French junk? I only see treasures. It's like picking my favorite child!
    Your Blog Pal,

  20. Hi Becky,

    Yay to you! Happy bloggy anniversary.May you have many more.
    I'm so glad you liked your goodies.
    I have missed visiting you but I will catch up eventually.

    I would love to be entered into either giveaway. Both are fantastic.
    Have a glass of that wine you made to celebrate.


  21. just popped in
    to say
    Happy Blogiversary!


    {{ i do not know how to say
    that in french
    you get my drift }}

    hope you have many more,
    you Lucky Duck, you.

  22. Happy Birthday to your wonder-full, witty and visually scrumptious blog!

  23. You don't have to put me in the drawing; I just wanted to say

    Happy blogiversary!

    Jenn H.

  24. Happy blog birthday, sis! It's hard to believe that a year's gone by already.

  25. Happy Bloggy Birthday!!! I have never commented, but have been following your blog for a couple of months. I love your posts, and my kids love reading them with me. I especially love that you live right down the street, so to speak, from my dad and two of my sisters (they live in Taylors, where I lived from age 1-8, and where I always stay when we are in the US). Not that it really makes any difference, it's just that I live on the other side of the world, and it makes me feel closer somehow.

    I would love, love, love to enter the tea cup contest, but if you don't think mailing it to Japan would be very easy, if I were to win, please enter me in the first one!

  26. Bon blog-anniversaire!

    I can't believe I've only had the pleasure of reading your blog for a year. Where have you been my whole life, huh?

    I'll let someone else win the cool prizes. I just wanted to say Happy Blog Birthday!

  27. Congrats Becky,
    You are a bright spot in bloglandia.
    So happy we have met. Thank you for all I have learned from reading your posts!!
    Hip Hip Hurray!! One and terrific!!
    You go girl!

  28. Happy Blogday, Becky! I SO LOVE your theme-y blog...I've learned so much and have enjoyed the ever luscious eye candy too!

    The confetti chair is my fave, but I would run away with the Chihuly chandelier in a heartbeat...GORGEOUS!

    I LOVE the French books...but the teacup is TOO DIE FOR! Both are gloriously fabulous! (I LOVE speaking in superlatives!lol)

    Congrats again...and a big confetti filled (I even got it in my teeth!) hug!

  29. Happy birthday, Becky! What a fab party, too. I'd love to win #1, but it seems like we should be giving you the gifts...

    Smooches to the Queen of Theme!

  30. A very Happy ONE Year to you .
    I look forward to your post.
    I laugh a little, learn a little and I am just happy
    that you’re here in the land of blog.

    Wishing you the best in your next year of wonders..


  31. Happy Blog Birthday, Becky! You inspired me...and I'm sure many other people, too! As I purchased so much French junque when I visited there, I'm not going to steal yours by entering....but DARN IT I LIKE THAT CONFETTI QUILT! (Is my brother reading this? I'll be 50 in a few years, and it would make a lovely gift...!) Tee, hee!

    Thanks for the Jordan almond/confetti lesson! I never knew! (..and I love all things Italian, too!)

  32. Happy blog birthday!!!!

    And please sign me up for the all things French drawing. Sounds neat.

  33. What a fun post! Congrats on your bloggy b-day and thanks for all your wonderfully inspiring posts.
    I'd love to be entered in the drawing for either prize. :)

  34. Happy Belated Bloggy Birthday Honey! :D


  35. Happy Blog Birthday Rebecca!
    Sorry I'm late, a little busy.
    Love your blog, so glad I found it.
    I always enjoy reading, and seeing your blog.

  36. Y'all are AWESOME!

    Sue, it's a small world! I used to teach at Eastside High in Taylors! My Sam plays baseball there, so I'm in Taylors ALL THE TIME.

  37. Happy Birthday Becky
    OH yes please put me in that #1 hat(:)
    hugs, Patty

  38. Hello Becky! Sorry it's taken me so long to acknowledge this grand day for you!!! My life has gone MAD!!! My blogging visits are few and far between due to conditions beyond my control!! However, I MUST tell you how fortunate I feel for having "met" you via cyberspace--and I hope one day, we could meet in "the real"!! Do you know what is really amazing? My first post was also on 4-15-08! It read, simply, "coming soon"! It took me a few more days before I figured out how to make it "happen" again! :)
    Your posts are ALWAYS wonderful, Becky!! WE are very lucky you decided to "blog"--you've added so much joy to our lives!! Dana

  39. Yay! So glad I saw this post. Didn't know it was your Blog birthday. Happy Birthday Blog!
    I would love to be considered in your drawing. I really love the old French paper stuff. The cup and saucer is cool also. But don't think it will make it all the way (safely) here to Calif.
    Have a great weekend

  40. Happy Blogversary! I would love to be entered in your drawing. Winning is just so fun! Also, be sure to stop by my blog. I am hosting a giveaway for my Etsy shop anniversary. You are already entered once because you are a follower of my blog, but leave a comment and you will have two chances. Good luck! - Teresa

  41. Oh my gosh. I love this.
    I'm called a confetti guru cause I'm about all things confetti.
    You put me to shame. Yu have a totally new fan

  42. Nice work of art and am inspired to do such an art using my favorite paper,EPSON.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Thanks for stopping by!