
Monday, February 23, 2009

Fairy Tale Slippers

Today's Wonder of the World is...Fairy Tale Slippers!

Photo by Sandra Evertson
Won by ME!
What a lucky duck I am! First, Sandy Mastroni's cat sign, and now Sandra Evertson's Cinderella shoes! Apparently someone sprinkled lucky dust on me when I wasn't looking.
Would you like to rub my head?

I must tell you about dear Sandra. Have y'all met?

Sandra is an amazing artist and author, just dripping in creativity.
I stop by her blog every chance I get to drool over the photographs of her latest creations and read the fanciful stories she weaves about them.

When she offered her Cinderella shoes as a prize for One World- One Heart, I left a comment, never expecting her to draw my name. There were 576 comments. How could I be so lucky?
I was!
They arrived this weekend!

I especially love all the little details. I had enjoyed them in the photographs, and they're even more charming up close!
Details like this.

Photo by Sandra Evertson
She sent them with Amities--kind regards, friendship!
She promised a surprise on the bottom of one of the shoes. But I'll save that for the end of this post, just for a little added suspense!

I love the wordy heels. Perfect for a writer!

Photo by Sandra Evertson
And the gemstones!

And on the sole (not the surprise one, but just as fun) --

Two little mice!
Do you know what these fairy tale slippers remind me of?

Another fairy tale shoe, and Wonder of the World...
Lady slippers!
The lady slipper orchid...

Flickr photo by DansPhotoArt
Wouldn't you like to slip your pretty foot into that?

Or maybe you prefer pink.

Flickr photo by erthsister
I'll take a size 8 1/2, please.

Or maybe purple.

Flickr photo by newzphotoman1
Nature makes such pretty footwear.
And so does Sandra Evertson!
Thank you, Sandra!
I think I'll do a little Cinderella dance in celebration.
Care to join Gwen Fosse and me?

If you prefer to Walk It Out with Gwen, hop over here!
Have a wonder-full Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky

PS. Almost forgot!!
Sandra's secret sole!

Too funny!
Maybe I should buy Cinderella a nicotine patch! Let's hope it belonged to a stepsister!


  1. Oh, you are a lucky, lucky girl I just love those shoes…


  2. Congratulations on your win! I saw the shoes on Sandra's blog. Her work is terrific; even more so in person I'm sure! But I'm actually writing to tell you that I LOVE your blog -- I just found it today, via Linda Crispell's post. I will definitely look for your book. I lived in France for a year when I was 16; it's a life-changing experience! Happy Monday. xo -- Sandy Garrison/rhubarb reign

  3. Brings back your book and the ubiquitous French cigarette!
    You struck paydirt with these slippers.
    Beautiful and beyond my imagination.
    Thanks for the Sandra link. What a cerebral crafty woman!

  4. Wow, congrats on winning those beautiful fairy tale slippers -- and for introducing me to Sandra's work!! Amazing!!

  5. Oh my--those are amazing. Wow.

  6. At least it wasn't gum!
    I enjoy Sandra's blog. Those shoes are wonderful!

  7. Sandra is quite an artist and aren't you lucky!!!

    I learned about wildflowers and lady slippers in the 6th was so fun and I'll never forget looking for them in the woods!

  8. Coongratulations! Those are fantastic!

  9. Oh aren't you the lucky one winning the fairy tale shoes Congratulations!
    They are so pretty and I love the cute little mice and the cigarette.

    Happy Monday.


  10. Oh you lucky, lucky girl!! Isn't it a glorious thing t win? : )
    Those shoes are such a delight...and what talent Sandra has.
    LOVE Gwen Verdon too....this post just gave me a pick me up that I sorely needed!! I am all happy smiles now!


  11. Wow! That video made my day. I even took notes so that I can bust out these moves at the next party.

  12. I love the slipper orchid. I painted a picture of one of those with a tiny frog in the bottom part of the slipper.

  13. What a lovely pair of shoes. The soles are just too much. Enjoy.

  14. Congrats to you! They are GORGEOUS! The Tongginator wants to steal them. (Seriously.)

  15. Hi Becky,
    How lucky you are!!
    They are beautiful and funny at the same time. Sandra has a great sense of humor, as do you.
    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Wow--those shoes are BRILLIANT! I love the special surprise on the very very cool!

  17. Thanks y'all! I love them too!

    And May, glad you liked the video. Did you know that Beyonce based her Single Ladies video on Gwen Fosse's dancing? It's true!

  18. Maybe the shoes will go with that green wig ya wanna wear.....

    Now everyone's goin' whuh???

  19. Sandra is amazing!

    Congratulations - HOW FUN!!


  20. Great post, I love those shoes! and the dancing.
    love, sarah

  21. Jaxpop, you always make me laugh.
    I didn't think I'd get a comment from you on this post, not on LADY slippers. You crack me up.
    And for the record, yes the shoes would go nicely with the wig!

    Confused, people? Hop over to Biddy Brain and you'll understand.

  22. PS. That's Ronnie's place,

  23. AWESOME pictures!
    Ilove the shoes.

  24. We are in a very exclusive club of people who have won Sandra Evertson's art! I was the lucky winner of an assemblage this past summer.

  25. Well! We just gotta find you a green wig! St. Patties is just around the corner!

  26. St. Patties! At least I'd get some wear out of it besides Mardi Gras!

  27. No way! I LOVE those shoes! Lucky you, indeed wonders never cease :).

  28. Wow, you are one lucky lady! DEFINITELY fairy tale slippers ... what amazing detail! Congrats on your wonderful win! :-)

  29. I was hoping to win those but am glad they went to a good home. Congrats!

  30. How fantastic a gift for your! Congratulations!!

  31. Becky the shoes are delicious. xoxoxo

  32. Lucky FREAKING You!!! Those slippers are fabulicious! :)

    I love Sandra Evertson's sense of humor with that cigarette butt on the sole of the slipper, LOL! Too funny! :)

  33. OK Becky...the Gwen Fosse dance had me rolling and then the surprise on the bottom...PIMP funny!!!!!! Ohmygosh...that Sandra. And lucky you for such a winning week!



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