
Monday, February 9, 2009

Come On Get Happy!

Today's Wonder of the World is...Whatever Makes You Happy!

A puppy sounds good!

Lately I've been trying to fight off the stress of uncertain economic times by focusing on what makes me happy. It wasn't my own idea--my good friend May started it with a terrific blog post aptly titled La, La, La...I Can't Hear You. I LOVED May's list so much (seriously, click on the link and hop over to read it,) that I thought I'd make a list of my own. I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours! Or just tell me! Really, I'd love to know!

What makes me happy? Besides you people, my dear blogging friends?
1. First of all...these three goobers.

Yes, this photo is at least eight years old, but I still love those cheesy grins.

2. The hippie

who gave me those three goobers.

3. This AMAZING Christmas present from the above hippie, which I hinted about in this blog post.

See! Blogging is great for so many reasons!

4. Le cafe!

Heavy on the cream, with a biscotti and a silly cat spoon from a friend.

5. Happy art to look at! Like this painting by Raoul Dufy!

6. A great book to read!
Like this one I'm reading at the moment, by my favorite, Bailey White!

And up next on my nightstand...

Looks like fun!
7. Chocolate!
My favorite chocolate pie!

8. Crazy Tanner the Slobber Dog, who sleeps upside down and leaves dog hair tumbleweeds rolling all over my house.

Lucy was right! Happiness is a warm puppy!

So what about you? Do tell!
But first, enjoy this rendition of The Partridge Family's Come On Get Happy from Must Love Dogs!

Have a wonder-full Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Love this post, Becky. What a great list -- I totally concur on the chocolate pie, the warm puppy, and great art and books. That hippie and Christmas gift are totally cool, too. :)

  2. I really want some coffee it looks so good.

  3. coffee and chocolate and I am in heaven.

    Your kids were really cute…
    and I got a kick out of your Hippy..
    Those were the days!


  4. Oooh! Today, a cup of hot chocolate, a lovely book (currently it is The Year of Living Biblically -- hysterical), and a snuggly dog at my feet

  5. oh I could add so many things to this list!!!

  6. Smiling in Wisconsin!

  7. That Christmas gift is awesome! Can you give me lessons in hinting? Clearly you're better at it ;)

  8. We have a similar list, family, friends, chocolate, good books, but I also have to have MUSIC to make me happy! and a camera.

  9. Hi Becky,
    Lots of things make me happy, like your blog and your book!
    Great post!!
    Who doesn't love the Partridge Family?
    Of course number one would be my husband, and my daughter!!
    Making and selling my artwork!!
    Great friends and great food.
    Have a happy day!

  10. What a great list!
    Naps. Naps make me happy. Both the boys' naps and mine! ;)

  11. I suppose Todd 'Cheech' Ramsey has no editorial review rights to fall back on here .... (right now his competition over at Goodyear is gleefully circulating that photo.)

    Thanks by the way... you're very generous.

  12. I love it!!!!!!! I want to get happy too with you!

  13. Family, me too chocolate chess pie, Sunday mornings, fast cars, a sharp pencil, shrimp, Spring, red, jasmine green tea....thanks for getting me thinking.
    Almost through with Dave's Bad Latitudes.
    Great read. I'll have to try that one you're reading.
    Cheers, Becky.

  14. You know what makes May happy? FRIENDS LIKE YOU!

    I save your blog as a little treat to myself for the end of the day. It's like a reward I get to have if I've gotten my work done. Imagine how surprised I was when I clicked over here!

    Also, I love that song. I'm throwing that on my steady rotation of happy things.

  15. Oh Rebecca, thank you for your kind words. I will miss my friends terribly. Okay what makes me happy? 1)my new granddaughter's smile 2)the smell of rain 3)to eat lunch with my best friends 4)to hear my son's voice on the phone when he is calling from overseas 5)when my hubby brings me roses 6)a carmel blast from Baskin Robbins 7)a new purse ALWAYS 8)the lake with my family there 9)a long hot bubble bath 10)sitting in my swing on the back porch. Again thank you for your kind words. Hugs***Renea

  16. Hi Hon,You certainly do have alot to be happy about,and this was a fantastic post,I loved it.your children all look happy ,that makes me happy to know what wonderful people are out there.Happy Valentine's Day to all of you XXOO Marie Antionette

  17. This is a wonderful idea and a great list. I love that painting!

  18. What is happening??? Your posts are not updating in my google reader under blogs I follow!!! What's up with that!?! I can't miss my daily dose of Becky's fabulous wit, humor and perspective on life. Speaking of perspective on life...wonderful post, again! :)

  19. Chocolate pie?!?! Yum! Although the waistline is not happy then. LOL.

  20. Great post and wonderful inpsiration! I'm off to read the one that inspired you. I think a piece of your chocolate pie will make me happy. (LOL) ;~)


  21. Oh, what a very happy post! And, such a great picture of your kiddos!

  22. Tonight it's popcorn and knitting!!
    And it's always a warm puppy!!

  23. Your hippie is totally hot.

    Love Renee


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