
Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King

Today's Wonder of the World is...Martin Luther King

Happy MLK Day, friends!

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
Harriet Tubman

May we be brave in our dreams as well!

Have a wonder-full Monday, y'all!
Love, Becky


  1. Wishing you the best of dreams on this day
    and in this year of change.


  2. Dreams and hope lead us in the way we should go and help us make the world a better place.

  3. Hi Becky, what a special day today is with tomorrow being the inauguration of Barack Obama. These are historic times we are witnessing! :)

  4. Thank you for bringing us back to what this day is all about...not just a day off for some, but a message to the world about love, peace, dreams, and courage.
    Blessings to you!

  5. Hi Becky,
    Boy have I missed reading your blog!
    Happy New Year.

    Martin Luther King would be very proud of how far this country has come. Our dreams are still alive.
    Change can be very good.

    love ya,

  6. We are busy with our pledge to do community service today.

  7. Thanks for stopping by! I just got home from volunteering - A Day On, Not a Day Off, in honor of Dr. King. We had a terrific time at an inner-city middle school and I think some of our volunteers have committed to return to the school regularly as mentors. We also made paper cranes for the kids at the school, leaving behind a prayer for peace in the world. It was a great day.

  8. Not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. This is a huge weekend.

  9. I can't help but look at his videos and get chills up my spine.

    Tomorrow will be a good day for America and the world.



  10. All the comments on your blog today are warming my heart! Today we celebrate a man who radically changed the world for good.

    Thanks for the important reminder.

  11. I got chills listening to his speech on the radio...on the way to work this morning. I forgot how powerful it was and how real and true the words were...and still are.


    Alex (shhhh)

  12. Hi Becky! I stopped by again to invite you to participate in my portion of the One World One Heart Giveaway! Come on over! There are over 170 participants so far and they are EACH having a giveaway! It's just TOO cool! :)

  13. He had a dream....and it'll come true
    on Tuesday! Oh happy day!!!

    Sweet wishes,

  14. Thanks for this, Becky. An understatement to say this is inspirational.
    I am almmoooost finished with your book. It gets better as I get closer to the end and I'm sure I'll be sad when I've finished it. Had to reset priorities here lately and yours and Dave's book are screaming at me! Then JOe brings me one by a Navy Seal. I need books on tape!!!

  15. Between Martin's birthday, and Lincoln's birthday, and Obama's is almost too much goodness to take in.


Ooh boy, do I love your comments!
Thanks for stopping by!