
Friday, December 12, 2008

Elves for Hire?

Today's Wonder of the World is...the Elf!

Flickr photo by Peonygoat
With Christmas quickly approaching, I sure could use the help of a couple of elves around my house. Couldn't you?

I'd make it worth their time. I'd turn the garage into a hangout just for them.

Flickr photo by spurmarks
I'd even take a TV out there, so that they could watch their favorite videos during their eggnog breaks.

(I'm crazy about Elf. I'd have to watch it with them.)
Of course their friends would certainly be welcome.

Flickr photo by No Motive Photography
Especially if they brought cookies!

Flickr photo by untieknots
They're not stingy, are they? Or are those Brownies?
(Have you ever had Fudge Stripes with coffee? It's no pain aux raisins, but try it!)
If they got homesick I'd take them to see Santa at the mall.
You know elves...they LOVE the Big Guy!

We wouldn't need to do any shopping there, because I already found them the perfect elf duds at Etsy.
Like these shoes from Kool Kooky Kreatures!

Photo by Kool Kooky Kreatures
Aren't they magical?

And these slightly more practical ones in leather from Randy and Claudia.

Photo by Randy and Claudia
Every elf needs a hat.

Photo by Mosey
I found that one at Mosey. Sweet, huh?

Hopefully all the shoes and hats will get them in the Christmas spirit. Before you know it, my presents will be bought and wrapped, and maybe they'll even tackle the pile of laundry waiting for me! I'd give them extra eggnog!

Note to elf: with all those cookies and eggnog, remember to brush teeth!

Flickr photo by dylan johanna
I'd hate to be known as a misfit.

So if you know any elves looking to moonlight, feel free to send them my way.
Until then, folks, that's all on the elf front. I'm afraid Elfis has left the building.

Have a wonder-full Friday, y'all, and a super weekend.
Love, Becky

PS. Enjoy this before you go! Elves and mistletoe! Yey! Kissing under the Dung Twig!

PS again...Happy Birthday Steve! And Patricia!


  1. My friends use to call my oldest daughter the elf..
    She loves Christmas and when she was a teen and living at home
    she would do and do and do to help out.
    Clean, wrap, baby-sit and check her list twice.
    However, my youngest daughter who is still living at home they call the princess…need I say more.
    Boy do I miss my elf……


  2. I love the movie Elf - one of my favorites for the holidays. I love the elf shoes, too!

  3. We love the movie Elf. So cute! :)

  4. Very cute, again! I love the little dentist elf from Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer. I didn't think he was a misfit! I thought the manager elf was verbally and emotionally abusive!!! HE was the misfit!

    ...there, I've had my say about it and now, I'll go on my way! ;)

  5. I just discovered your blog and I love it. This was such a happy post and it made my day.


  6. Cute shoes! Gotta love those elves! They make all my presents. I'm still trying to get the Christmas spirit. I don't know what the deal is this year, but your blog is helping. Thanks!

  7. We just introduced our goofy son to ELF. It was a match made in elvish heaven! : )

  8. Christmas wouldn't be Chrisitmas without them!


  9. Elves kinda freak me out. and this post didn't help. ;)

  10. We just watched Elf the other nigiht--they are so cute--the green pointy hats, pointy ears, curly-toed shoes. Sigh.

  11. What a cute blog, just found you. I so wish I had a few elves around my home too. I especially like Hermie from Rudolph, even if he is a misfit... such an old time favorite. Thanks for bringing much cheer to my day!

  12. "Make work your favorite."


    "That's your new favorite."


    HAHAHAHA Somehow I had never seen Elf until a few weeks ago and I'm completely obsessed with it now. It's so rare when a new Christmas song or movie gets added to the Canon but this was an instant classic.

  13. Ohh, Ohh, Ohh (That's me jumping again) I love elves. I had a friend that had her own ad agency. Every year she would dress as an elf and deliver goodies to her clients. Turned up shoes and all. I have always loved the hollow tree elves and their products. Fudge stripes and peppermint tea...uhhh, gotta go, find some, bye!

  14. A little elf left something for you on my blog.

  15. Good evening, Rebecca...let's see...I'll take the pink elf shoes and the candy cane store!! :)

  16. I deal with union labor often enough &, at times, I'm approached for advice. Santa complained to me this year about the elf union (UEW) & what he considers unreasonable demands. Their collective barganing agreement expires 12/23 & they're threatening to strike. The elves are tired of being short pointy-eared giggly little folks that wear weird shoes. They are demanding a full-time team of plastic surgeons for the ear thing, growth hormone injections, Birkenstock footwear & a relocation from the North Pole to a more tropical locale (for 2009). Santa is beside himself (an expression, btw, that I've never understood. How can you be beside yourself? What if you were sitting in a chair when it happened?). The anticipated costs could put an end to the whole Santa / Elf gig. My advice to St Nicky Chubbo was to play hardball or risk the turmoil that has plagued Keebler. (They can no longer stamp out cookies with elf images without paying image rights to those lil' buggers.) Santa, always concerned for the kids, will probably cave in, depending on the results of his petition to Congress for a bailout. Cross yer fingers.

  17. Bravo! What a great post. Loved it all.
    Great example of text and pictures coinciding!
    Could you be a writer!?
    And thanks for your brilliant response, JaxPop!
    Ronnie - in a small town in Georgia

  18. Jaxpop, you are a genius!

    I have such lovely, elf-loving readers!

  19. What a great collection of elves! (We also love the Elf movie here)

  20. Can we have a post about Tanner please? Only pictures will also do.

    - from someone who reads your blog everyday

  21. Anonymous,
    I live to serve. I'll post about him this afternoon. :)

  22. So cute! I remember the Keebler elves and elf cookies from when my daughter was small. Happy holidays!


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