
Thursday, November 6, 2008


Today's Wonder of the World is...Lanterns!

Flickr photo by lynnlin
For some reason, this season always makes me think of lanterns.
Maybe it's because when the kids were really little, we used to take them camping in the fall. We'd light our lanterns, make a fire, and tell stories for however long the s'mores lasted!

Maybe we were wimps, but we never camped in the snow.
If we had, we could have made this kind of lantern!

Flickr photo by Szefi
Snow lanterns! I wonder how long they last.

I'd also love to see the Lantern Festival in Taiwan.

Flickr photo by *dans
Thanks to this video, we can!

Beautiful, huh?

Other lanterns hang from trees, and they're pretty unlit.

Flickr photo by Floater Ya-Ya
Have you ever seen Japanese Lanterns like these?

Flickr photo by Luigi FDV
I first saw them in France, growing wild beside a vineyard, but now they seem to be everywhere.
I love how some of them look like perfect little tissue paper pumpkins!

Flickr photo by S&J Inc.
Speaking of pumpkins, who doesn't like a Jack O'Lantern? Or three?

Flickr photo by amyboemig
Have you ever seen a watermelon lantern?

Flickr photo by Digital DI
Digital DI says that the chefs at the Mandarin Buffet Restaurant in Ontario made these and each took an hour to carve. What amazing work!

Here's another green lantern--a lantern bug with a green back, all lit up!

Flickr photo by hkmoths
Watch out! Lurking near those greenbacks is the Green Lantern himself!

Flickr photo by Joe D!
Great costume Abe!

Have a wonder-full Thursday, everyone!
Love, Becky


  1. The defaced currency made me chuckle! I've seen those little red lantern plants before where I grew up. I had no idea they were an exotic type plant (exotic to me, now), LOL! The lantern festival looks like a sight to behold!

  2. Beautiful post. I've never seen snow lanterns. They are so pretty!

  3. Loved the lantern post. So many pretty lanterns. I always enjoy your wonders! Hugs***Renea

  4. What a cool post. You always pick such great photos. Hugs. Susan

  5. I love the snow lanters. Very pretty

  6. Love Abe's costume!!
    Really pretty lantern!! Love them.
    Have a great Thursday!

  7. I adore Japanese lanterns--something similar grows by us and it's so cool dried out in the wintertime.

  8. i absolutely LOVE the way you see the world.

    you should write a book;-)

    he he he heheeee

  9. That video gave me chills - they're so pretty!

  10. We have those Chinese lanterns in our backyard. They always bloom after everything else has died. So funny. I thought the $5 bill was pretty cute.

  11. I love lanterns! I was in Seoul at a temple during a lantern festival once. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Thousands of paper lanterns... thanks for starting my day with such a pretty memory!

  12. Lanterns are so very Romantic. I love them, even though I only own one. If I could carve I would be working on some fruit lanterns right now. They're gorgeous!


  13. I dream of having a big tall porch with lanterns on it.

  14. Those are awesome! The watermelon laterns are amazing.
    My mom's backyard is full of Japenese Lanterns. My boys think they are little pumpkins. Either way, I've always loved them.
    Fun post! :)

  15. I love lanterns! One of my earliest memories is walking in a parade at night in Germany (an army posting) at Christmas time with everyone carrying lanterns and singing carols. It was so beautiful! I think I was 4. It made quite an impression. Fun post!

  16. Oh how those lanterns brought back our memories of living in Korea and visitng other countries in the far east. The Asians make some really beautiful wooden lanterns, like the one I coveted in Beijing but could not bring it back because it was too big for my luggage! Those watermelon lanterns are really cool and the snow lanterns are probably my most favorite. Too bad we don't see much of the white stuff here. Tammy Whitley

  17. That lantern festival was gorgeous! Reminds me of a few children's books I love . . .

  18. Wow. I've never heard of snow lanterns or watermelon lanterns. I'm not so bright. Maybe I just need to get out more...

    Great post. Lanterns are so pretty. OH, what about luminaries. I always loved those, but I'm not sure they count.

  19. great post mom! last weekend there was a wedding reception outside a restaurant near my dorm, and there were pretty white lanterns in all the trees nearby. we should get some at home!
    love, sarah

  20. I love lanterns and these were gorgeous!!

  21. Thank you for honoring lanterns!
    Like you I'm a BIG FAN!!
    The ones carved out of melon are my absolute favs........Never have seen anything as beautiful!!

    Hope all is well Becky!
    I'll think of you next time I see a lantern!


  22. Never seen a bug like this,how strange it is.Love the Japanese lanterns,what a beautiful flower.Hugs Marie Antionette


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