
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Horn of Plenty

Today's Wonder of the World is...The Cornucopia!

Flickr photo by periwinkledaze
Do you have a cornucopia at your house? My mother always had one on the table during the Thanksgiving season, filled with nuts or gourds.
I never thought much about the Horn of Plenty back then, but it sure did get around.

It was even on our state seal.

And when I took trips, I saw it there too.

Even the Californians loved it.

And here it is on the crest of Peru!

A French cornucopia is called une corne d'abondance.

So where did all these cornucopias come from?
Never fear, dear readers. I did a little investigating and I found quite the dramatic story for you.
It involves Zeus and a goat! What could be better than that?

Flickr photo by amysahba
No, not a goat named Zeus. Though he is sort of cute. If you're a girl goat.

No, I'm talking about this Zeus...

Flickr photo by Wonders
You know, Zeus, king of the Greek gods? Zeus didn't always look so old and grumpy. No, at one time he was just a little boy god. And he had a buddy, Amalthea, who just happened to be a goat.

Flickr photo by Vita Aerovita
Yes! Like that one.
Well, one day they were roughhousing, like little boy gods do, and naughty Zeus accidentally broke off one of Amalthea's horns. It turned Amalthea into one of these...

A unicorn!
Zeus felt terrible and gave back the horn, which now was imbued with supernatural powers. Whomever held the horn could have whatever he wanted. It was the Horn of Plenty, after all!

Here's a cornucopia in a mosaic dated from 500-550 AD.

Flickr photo by ggnyc
You can find it at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

If I had Zeus's cornucopia, I think I'd wish for this cake.

Flickr photo by handymama
Yes, it's a cornucopia--a pumpkin spice cake cornucopia, with cream cheese icing! Lordy, Lordy!

Maybe with Thanksgiving just tomorrow, I should ask for something more low cal.
Like this cornucopia with felted veggies that I found here.

Photo by
Beautiful! And full of fiber!

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!
I count you all amongst my most special blessings!

Love, Becky


  1. Loved your postocopia! Okay, it's a stretch, but again, I couldn't resist! Have you checked out yet? You really otta, if you haven't already it is sooooo funny! You seem to have a psychic connection with them as of late!
    Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. LOL Love the unicorn head.I love reading interesting facts.You sure come up with some goodies.Hugs Marie Antionette

  3. That cake looks amazing!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. That is interesting and here I thought it was a pilgrim thing…

    Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving…


  5. There was some food like looked like little cornacopias they sure were good but I cant remember his name

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! Good to know the myth behind the cornucopia!

  7. Love it!!
    Great post!!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  8. Hi Rebecca,

    My last comment flew off into cyberspace! I just wanted to say thank you for the info on cornicopias. I'll look at them differently now and hope to find one for my own table (so as to stuff it with nuts and other goodies!).


  9. Hi Becky glad I found your blog again!Have to be careful not to delete my links!Interesting story and information! I think I will make faux cupcakes! Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving Becky,
    May your celebration include a cornucopia of blessings!


  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too.

  12. Hi Becky
    Just stopping by to say Happy Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  13. I learn so much from this blog. I always thought a cornucopia was something used by a podiatrist. To think it was invented by Zeus. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  14. Just stopping in to say Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. I love all your wonderful posts..I never fail to learn something and do it with plenty of smiles!
    We always have a small Mom stillhas hers in the center of her table.

    Wishing you and your family and most blessed Thanksgiving Day!


  16. Thank you for your Thanksgiving wishes. Your post is very interesting -- I love the California poster!

  17. That unicorn head is too funny!Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

  18. My son just colored a cornucopia the other day and we were trying to tell him what the heck it is. But we had some trouble...

  19. So good topic really i like any post talking about Ancient Greece but i want to say thing to u Ancient Greece not that only ... you can see in Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Gods and more , you shall search in Google and Wikipedia about that .... thanks a gain ,,,


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