
Saturday, October 18, 2008

I Want My Mummy...To Party!

Today's Wonder of the World is...a Halloween Party for you!

Welcome friends! I'm so pleased you found your way from Vanessa's Party Wonderland to my little corner of South Carolina!
And you there, pretty newcomer, it's nice to meet you!
My goodness gracious, how festive you look!
It's almost a pity that we'll have to cover you up.
What? Didn't I tell you? We're all Mummies Today!
Here, hold still.

Flickr photo by swingtime ballroom
There we go! Now you're in the party spirit.

Just look at yourself in the mirror! You're bound to like what you see!

Flickr photo by keldemean

I hope you had your breakfast,

Flickr photo by tracisretro
because partying takes energy!

How sweet! You brought flowers!

Flickr photo by alex.roberts
Perfect! They're Mums!
Oh sweet mummy,

Flickr photo by summer anne
Don't be shy! Let's go inside!
Look! Tanner the Slobber Dog has wiggled out of his mummy costume to give you a lick hello!

He's not much of a mummy, but he loves you!
He brought his friend along. It looks like she likes the costume!

Flickr photo by Ataripanna
She's not like Tanner. Tanner thinks mummies might be food on two legs. He wants to unwrap you!

Speaking of mummy dogs and food, how about some mummy treats for the mummy?
We've got more mummy dogs!

Flickr photo by emergencyfan2000
And mummy pizzas!

Flickr photo by heathereve1234
Or maybe you'd like a wrap.

Flickr photo by Sunshine Haran
Get it?
Now, how about a little limbo?

Flickr photo by lickyoats
And you can't have a party without dancing!

Whew! Look at you!

Flickr photo by Angieinthailand
You're a dancing machine!

Flickr photo by MATTY
What did you say?
Your sugar is low?
Why, I have just what you need!

Flickr photo by kinwart
Mummy cupcakes!

I'm so glad you stopped by! Before you hit the party trail, don't forget to put your name in the hat for one of the two party gifts I'm giving away!
I'll pull two names out of my comment hat first thing Tuesday morning, October 21, and each winner will receive an antique French postcard and a signed copy of my book, Random House's French By Heart!

The postcards were made during World War I. Each is dated 1917. I hope you like them!

Thank you for coming, my dear!

Flickr photo by melissemarie1
I do believe you're the Queen of the Mummies!

Have a Wonder-full Halloween! And drop by any time!
Love, Becky


  1. Yummy mummy cupcakes! Mmmm!

    Happy Howl-o-ween!

  2. Love your mummy dog. Happy Halloween.

  3. I love the puppies! The mummy looked like our Rory! What a fun party!

  4. Mum's the word! Nice to meet you, and thanks for stopping by my Halloween gallery! Love your post (especially the dogs - the real ones, and the hot ones)

  5. Oh my, so much yummy mumminess :D

    Happy early Halloween :)

  6. Fun party! I showed up in my pajamas, so I may have been the scariest thing there! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.

  7. I love how you've worked in the Mummy theme. very clever and oh so fun. Great movie clip. You have me screamin' for mummy!

  8. What a great mummy gal you are...
    love your mummy yummies...
    Happy Halloween,


  9. Those are the cutest darned little hotdogs I've ever seen! LOL!

    Love your Halloween post! Great pictures!

  10. Me, Me, Me...pick me. I love the cupcakes. and the mummy-wienies.
    Take (s)care, Susan

  11. *lol* I am mummified! Cute post!
    Blog Hopping from Vanessa's Party <{:O)
    Yummy treats and sweet dogs... the real (unedible) ones!!
    *winks* Have a bootiful day!
    Be Enchanted!

  12. I've never seen so many good looking mummies in one place before! Happy Hallow E'en!

  13. MMMMMmmmmmummy dogs look yummmmmmy! So do mmmmmmmmummy cakes! I'm hungry now. That was a fun post. You're so clever!

  14. Love the mummy dogs! Happy Halloween!!

  15. Oh, are these amazing mummies?! I love them! And it's really so cool of you to offer your new book. I have tried to learn French because I LOVE it.

    pigs in mummies? hehe.

  16. Fun party! Love all the mummies!
    Happy Halloween!

  17. Since my poor dog just got shaved I think he would LOVE that mummy costume - only with even more coverage. Great party, as usual, Miss Becky! Add my name to that hat! Thanks.

  18. Love all your pictures!!

    It's a great party over here...come by and say hello any time.

  19. My Mummy would love your party!
    I have mummy wrap up over at
    my blog too... You have cute
    mummy treats! Happy party!

  20. That is the cutest party!!!!!!! You are darling!!!!1

  21. Yum! Mummy Hotdogs, Pizzas and Cupcakes! I'll have one of each...please! :o)

  22. How wonderful!! Nice bumping into you at the party!!!

  23. Thanks for the party, Becky. I really liked the mummy dogs (the ones you can eat, even though I don't eat them!).

  24. Thanks for the party! I nibbled on your treats . . . tasty!
    Thank you!

  25. I love the Mummy dogs too!!!
    How cute!
    Happy Halloween Mummy Queen!

  26. Yummy yummy yummy
    I got Mummies
    in my tummy.

  27. we had a SPOOKTACULAR time!
    what a fabulous bunch of BOOTIFUL creations...
    stop over at our party too!
    Sleepy Hollow Craft Company

  28. Love the mummy sausages...cute! I once dressed up as a cat at a Hallowe'en party - then we went out in a taxi and my 'tail' got stuck outside the door till we got to the disco. Still makes me laugh. Yhanks for the reminder and for adding more fun to our day!

  29. Looks like I'm all wrapped up at your party. It's pretty awesome. Happy Haunting!

  30. Haha! I love the mummy cupcakes. I should send you a picture of the mummy glass bead I made last week. It turned out so cute, but I never listed it. I didn't know who would want a mummy bead.

  31. Nice to meet you too. I had a great time.

    Happy nightmares,
    Daydreamer :)

  32. What an original theme. I had a hauntingly good time in your tomb!

    Happy Haunting,

  33. Wow, the mummy variation on pigs in blankets...quite unsettling. I feel enlightened about Mummies...Happy Halloween

  34. I love the mummy theme, especially how you did all the different mummy foods!
    I'd love to have a copy of your book!

  35. Smiling out loud at the mummy pup! Too cute! Your are way creative my dear! off to wrap my dogs in toilet paper.

  36. Mummy Fummy, I mean Funny!
    Happy Halloween!!

  37. I love your wonderful Mummy Halloween party.

  38. Super cute!! I love the hot dog mummies :)

  39. What a fabulous theme! Love the mummy hotdogs. Your doggy dressed up as a mummy is so cute!

  40. I like the tube steak - I mean hot dog - mummies.

    Don't go pullin' my name outta the hat - I have your book already & if anyone visiting your blog hasn't read it by now - shame on 'em. It's funny, amusing, well written & all that other gushy stuff.

    Hmmmm.... Halloween is getting close. Anything haunted is just fine with me.

  41. Mummy Treats...these are the best!!
    Great pictures!

  42. It was so nice to be a guest at your lovely party! I love being a mummy and the cupcakes were delicious. I must admit, I snooped around a bit. Had so much fun contemplating brooms and popcorn! There's a book I had once you might enjoy, I think it was called the Extraordinary Origins of Everyday things. I'll come back and visit longer soon. Stop by my little place if you get the chance!

  43. ooooh Becky what a wonderful time I've had!!! That mummy video is the funniest thing I've ever seen!! I can't wait to show that to my boys tomorrow!!! I see some Mummy Dogs in our near future too...
    Great job with all the photos!!

    I'm so intrigued by your wonderful looking book!! I have a bit of an obession with all things French and the cover is ADORABLE! How fun!! xox...jenn

  44. I don't want to admit that I haven't bought your book yet, because I have every intention of doing so and can't believe I haven't yet. But now I'll wait at least a couple of days to see if I win a signed one!! And if I do, I'll buy one for a friend instead. :)

  45. Mummy magic, oh wow. What a great post and so unique. I love those mummies-in-a-blanket too! This post is wonderful. Happy Halloween. Karen

  46. Hope you don't mind a late fly-by...I'm partying right through the witching hour!

    I've enjoyed your hauntingly boo-tiful post and must try those ghoulish goodies soon.

    Thanks for having me <|:^)

  47. Oh I would adore to win your exciting!! Cute party!! Thanks for coming to visit me at Kiss Noises...we have had such a lot of fun flitting all around the world on our broomsticks, dropping in here and then for refreshments and we still have such a long way to go! I have my Mummy fingers crossed, Kiss Noises Linda Lilly Cottage.

  48. great post, in your wonderful style. So many great pics.

  49. the photos of the mummies are great to see : especially the old photo of the mummy ( is it you ? )

    Also thanks for sharing the video : haven't seen it before !

    I've been here on the previous party... I remember you love all french things... I live quite close to France !

    greetings from Belgium

  50. Mummy Mummy treats!! Oh all this mummy-ing around makes me want to tee-pee the Misters car!! What do you think??

    Too fun!! The food and the mummy child!! Oh me oh my! Fun fun!! Thank you oodles for the fun!! Cackle cackle!!

  51. Yummy Mummy Cupcakes! My life will never be the same! & I mean that in the best way possible!

  52. Hmmmmm, I guess "mums" the word? LOL. Happy Halloween and great post.


  53. Loved the mummy theme!
    Happy Halloween Party...

  54. The most adorable mummies!
    Happy Halloween!

  55. Those mummy dogs are super cute!

  56. Hi Becky
    What a fun party! Sorry I haven't been by to visit for awhile. I somehow lost you in my list of favorites. I've fixed it, so you'll be seeing more of me.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  57. Some very creative ideas. I like the mummy dogs the best.

  58. Rebecca-Insanely cute eats! Adorable mummies.
    How is Madame Mallet? Any talk of your book being turned in to a film? It would make a wonderful one!

  59. Thanks for the Halloween laughs! Happy Halloween!

  60. Oh these are great! I love the pigs in a blanket one! How creative! Your blog is so unique. I've never come across one like it. And that's a feat in the blogosphere!

    And yes, you can of course use my photos. Anytime. I would be beyond flattered! Thank you!

  61. Wow! What a delightful post! And I would love, love, love to have a copy of your book. Anywho, I've been meaning to order it! Do you read any Nicholas Sparks? A little treacly, but I like his NC/SC settings.

  62. The mummy dogs and cupcakes are my favorites. So cute!

  63. So fun. I wanted to be medusa this year, but CANNOT figure out how to do my hair. :(

  64. Wow! so many new faces in the posting! Sorry I couldn't come to the party. It looks like everyone had so much fun!

    Like the crowd I love the mummydogs and the mummy cupcakes. Those are so cute and yummy mummy eats.

    Later, Lois

  65. I enjoyed my visit,such fun this party is introducing me to so many great blogs Hugs Juliet

  66. I'm getting hungry now! My tummy could like some of those yummy mummy cupcakes. Might have to pull out the googley eyes first.

    The original French movie "Diabolique" is a must-see around Halloween time.

    Really enjoyed your Halloween party fun!


  67. Mummies little Mummy is the cutest one. You have such a FUN party post here Becky.
    An EARLY happy Halloween to you too.
    Happy Munday!


  68. Oh, I had such a good time! Hope I didn't eat too many of the mummy dogs, I love those things. Have a very Happy Halloween! Twyla

  69. This was such fun! I loved the mummy dogs! i love them so much I asked my mummy to nake them for me. *bwaa haa haa* Okay, so that was decidely NOT funny. Still, I think they look good enough to eat. *grin*
    Loved each and every one of the pictures. Your sense of humor is infectious!


  70. hahahaha! Love your mummy dog and your halloween dress!

    so funny!

    I hope you in my halloween post!


  71. What a great theme.....for a party. I think there is a little mummy in all of us. Love the cupcakes.......although I don't know if I could eat something that was looking at me. I will be back!

  72. what a fun party you had. i loved all the mumminess. cupcakes were my fave.
    sorry i missed out on the give-away.
    hope you are enjoying the halloween season and festivities.

  73. I'm too late for your book giveway - durnit - but it's still fun to discover your blog. Your mummy theme - VERY original. I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that most of us came as ourselves - witches - LOL. I've always wanted to make those mummy hotdogs. Maybe when my granddaughter arrives for Halloween.

  74. Cool to see this mummy themed party. Last Halloween, our theme was also The Mummy. We've cooked mummy pizzas, candies and cookies shaped like mummies, white lady drinks, and we made crazy mummy souvenirs. We've used a lot of toilet paper for our costumes and props. We've expected a large number of kids that will come to our event. So we availed good tent rentals. Sacramento, our hometown has a lot of reputable tent rental services that's why we didn't encounter any problems.


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