
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Party Breaks Out!

Today's Wonder of the World is...A Blog Party For All My Friends! Old and New!

Miss Globe-head and I are so glad you came!
Come in! Come in!
No matter how you found your way here, we're happy to see you!

Flickr photo by spurmarks

Father Time says it's time to begin.

Photo by Jeanette Janson
(He's the new member of the family, thanks to my friend and artist Jeanette Janson! And thanks to Todd, for giving it to me for my birthday!)

Make yourselves comfortable!
Now, every party needs a theme. What will mine be?

Flickr photo by spurmarks
Um, not that. (What is that theme, anyway?)

I've got it! Since my blog title is A Party Breaks Out, let's make this party a Break Up Bash!
A Break Up Bash is a party full of things we must break/open/destroy in order to enjoy them.
The Wonder of Breaking Things on Purpose, within a Wonder Party!
It'll be fun and it won't break my bank!

Flickr photo by cathytx2001

Let's start with refreshments, shall we?
How about a Kinder egg? We loved those in our French life.

Flickr photo by catalinamarr
Who doesn't love a kiddie snack that doubles as a choke hazard?

Look, there's an egg prize we still have!

Flickr photo by Joey7
And those palm trees remind me-- I haven't served you a drink yet!
Let's chop open a coconut and quench your thirst!

Flickr photo by bobby emm

Oh, and Mr. Owl has something else for you.

Flickr photo by neb boy
I don't know, Mr. Owl. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
Try one and see!

Oh nuts! I almost forgot.
Nuts! Crack them open and enjoy!

Flickr photo by boocaru

And have a fortune cookie!

Flickr photo by cupcakeenvy
Break it open!

Flickr photo by shoffner1974

Ooh. That's great, but not yet.
Party games first!

Flickr photo by spurmarks
No, sorry. No breakage there. We must stay with the theme.

Water balloon toss!

Flickr photo by Seton Droppers

Let's break a record!

Flickr photo by Jo Z 2007

If you feel like it, break into dance!

Flickr photo by spurmarks

Whew! I'm tired.
Let's all have a seat.

Flickr photo by spurmarks
Aren't you a nice looking bunch!

For your entertainment, we have some fancy fliers, breaking out of their cocoons into the world.

Flickr photo by Heath Cash

We can watch the butterflies dance while we have cake.

Flickr photo by plastereddragon
Yikes! No, not that one. Get away, scary man!

This cake is much better.

Flickr photo by cupcaketastic

As we break into it, look what's breaking out all over!

We don't dare light candles and frighten the dancers.
Let's blow out dandelions instead!
Dandelions! Another thing you must break up to enjoy!

Flickr photo by autorin 22

And of course, every Break Up Bash must end with a pinata!

Flickr photo by altmod7734
Stop! Don't whack that cute one!
Let's find one more like this.

Flickr photo by draco.s zebra

Here. This one's perfect.

Flickr photo by librarians after dark
Can you think of anything I left out? Anything you have to break up or destroy to enjoy?

What's that?
No, no. Don't stop eating on my account.
I'm happy that you're in the party spirit!

Flickr photo by spurmarks
Come on! Let's take the party with us.
There are more Wonders to see! A whole list of Wonder Blog Posters! Right there on my sidebar!
(And if I haven't used up all the exclamation points, they may be excited too! Sorry, I can't help it. Parties do that to me.)
Look! I've rented a bus for us!

Flickr photo by spurmarks

But before we vamoose to meet new friends, let me say how happy you've made me by stopping in to visit.
Miss Globehead and I serve up Wonders here every weekday. You're welcome anytime.
(Well, truthfully Miss Globehead has nothing to do with it. She just shows up for the parties. She's a bit of a moocher. )

Don't forget to enter the drawing for these three fabulous prizes before you're out the door.

Each prize contains a signed copy of my book, a package of Petit Beurre cookies, a wacky vintage French postcard, a little French-ish notebook to record your own wonders, and some French chocolate!
Just leave me a comment and your name's in the bag. I'll wait to pick the winners until Friday morning, so that everyone has plenty of time to mosey around the whole party route.
Thanks for making it a Wonder-Full Wednesday, everyone!
Love, Becky


  1. What a wonder-full party! Thank you Becky. I truly love your blog and doing a wonder of my own made me appreciate what YOU do even more, so thanks!

  2. Hi Becky! Happy birthday par-tay hugs to you! I think you've BROKEN a record for the most breakage at a party (except for maybe rockstars in their hotel room parties, but we won't get into that...NO one can top them. I'd love to break into some cake with you and yours. Looks like fun! Thanks for the cheer!

  3. What a fun party, I am glad I Came..
    I love to stop here and wonder with you..
    stop on by as I wonder too!


  4. Happy blogsday, Becky! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Happy birthday to you!!! Thank you for inviting us to share in the fun! May all your wishes come true.

  6. Oh, WOW, it is a Party!!! I'll take one of those little drinks and then hand me a hammer---I love to break things! Looks like a good time!

    Oh, yes, enter me in your giveaway--I for sure would love a copy of your book and ,of course, the other little goodies you are including in the prize! I can hardly wait for your drawing!

    Party! Party! Party!

  7. Happy Birthday Becky! What a wonderful idea for a party! That butterfly video was just amazing.

    Please enter me in your drawing. What a great prize!

  8. I loved your party post. Had to laugh out loud several times! Great pics and themes!

    My post is up now.

    and please enter me for you party favors! :)

  9. Happy Birthday! It's my birthday too, so I was thrilled to discover the fun party! Have a great day!


  10. Happy Birthday! Fabulous party - I came with a friend (writerjenn). I love the butterfly cake and the photo's made me laugh.

    I may do some wondering of my own.

  11. Hey, Becky -- happy birthday, and congratulations on the party's success!

    Good to see the exclamation points are in fine form. ;)

    My Wonder-party post is up, too. If there's still room in the hat for my entry for the prize drawing...

  12. I love kinder eggs. You cant sell them in MYC Im not sure why. I miss them though...sigh

  13. Happy Bd to you! Your party was Wonder-ful as I knew it would be.

    Things that break for a theme. I should have used this for BD parties when the boys were young. It would have been a smashing hit.

    Thank you for the cake and especially that large coconut drink. I thought it was just some juice but something has been added.

    I can't wait to visit the other party goers. Lots of things going on today but I will definitely be visiting.

    You are the hostess with the mostess!


  14. I loved my first blog party!
    Thanks for the inspiring party.
    Have a wonder-full birthday.

  15. Happy Blog Party Day Rebecca!!
    Happy Birthday too!! Love your present!
    Thanks for hosting such a fun party!
    Enjoy the day! Love your blog everyday!

  16. Fun, fun, fun! Thanks, Miss Becky for a great party! I'm taking my Kinder Eggs home to my kids. : )

    My blog is Rare Rocks

  17. Happy wonderful day, Becky! I love your stream-of-consciousness blogging:)


  19. Becky, thank you for telling me about your friends in Hungary. I would love to work with gypsy families, particularly in encouraging young girls to seek higher education and I will definitely look up your friends to learn about their work.

    We have an out of town guest staying with us for a couple of nights so getting my internet time might be tricky. I may be a day late in getting to all the participating party-goers but I look forward to sharing the wonders in our world.

  20. Great Party! I am so full!Can I help clean up?See you tomorrow....and HaPpY BiRtHdAy

  21. Happy Birthday! Your party is delightful, as are all your posts. Love the theme - I'll add some bubble wrap to jump on, since it's a favorite at my house.

    I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's Wonders. Thanks for the fun event!

  22. Thanks Becky for the party! Happy Blog Day to you! I posted my wonder as well. Sign me up for the drawing. I think I'll go have some cake now or maybe a chocolate bar. Yum!


  23. Becky I have enjoyed everyone's Wonders. Thank you for being such a gracious hostess.
    I'm stuffed from your yummy cake and now I have to go and get something done around here...
    Hugs from Canada
    P.S. Happy Happy Birthday

  24. Happy Birthday! Thanks for hosting the party -- and for stopping by my blog, too. I hope the party never ends!


  25. No party post from me... because I'm a loser like that. But I did want to wish you a happy birthday!!!!!

  26. What a great party! You can toss my name in the hat for the drawing.

    I'm off now to get some of that cake and take a tour of the wonders of the world!


  27. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY! I've posted my birthday tribute to you on History Buff.

    I have to admit, I'm not as good at this as you are, but I tried!!

    Have a wonderful day :]

  28. Hi Becky,

    This is my first visit to your awesome blog...I love a smile in the morning! Any mommy who manages to get a book published is my absolute hero.

    Now I need to go break my piggy bank (hee hee) to buy your book!


  29. Your posts are so great - mine took me forever! I can now appreciate what you do on a daily basis - whew! Mine is done, however lame it may be :) I might add to it as I see fit. Is that ok? :)

  30. Thanks for a bit of levity today. I found you by way of Nathan Bransford's blog. Will it be cheating if I tell you it's my mom's birthday today and mine on Friday? And that I love chocolate and wacky French postcards! Also, thanks for Janette's link. It's going to help me with my writing. Plus I ordered stuff for my own birthday!

  31. What a great idea! I love these things that bring us all together. My post is at Serenity Now.

  32. Just got home, Becky, and remembered I didn't hit "Post" this morning on my blog. Waaaah! My "wonder" is up now. Happy birthday!

  33. I realized that the "Wonders Never Cease" picture wasn't linking anywhere. That is now remedied! :) I also added a funny video at the end.

  34. What a great party!!!

    I have that piggy bank and I WANT that coconut drink. Yummy!

  35. How cute was that? I loved it. Especially wanted some of the cocnut drink :).

  36. Great party! I especially enjoyed the pecans - I always did love nuts! blessings, marlene

  37. Oh Thank you for the party Rebecca! Just what I needed!! A little Kitchen dancing. Thank you for the fun!! Just what I needed!


  38. Becky, you throw a great party! Thanks for the invite. Now, make sure you light some candles and make a wish!

  39. I'm so glad I'm not too late! I had so much fun!! Butterfly cake is my very favorite.


  40. Break eggs, break out, break dance - but no broken hearts! Wishing you a very happy year and thanks for a great blog. Best wishes

  41. Love your blog party! I'm having such a smashing time, I might just break into dance. :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  42. Happy Birthday! Kinder Eggs are my family's favorite. Hope your day has been wonderful!

  43. Have a great day! Hope it's full of everything that makes you happy!

  44. Hi Becky,
    Thanks for the party!
    That Mr. Owl is one serious dude.
    But I love the people who look like they're from a '50's home economics book, dancing around the kitchen.
    Best wishes!

    Jenn Hubbard
    aka writerjenn

  45. What a fun, fun party, Becky!! You are so clever : )
    Wishing you all the best for today and a year of happiness!
    xoxo Jeanette

  46. Hi Becky,
    WOOHOO! What happy breakage! I just love the weird little french eggy things? What the heck are they exactly??? The prize inside looks quite substantial...with the added benefit of being a choke hazard?! HILARIOUS!

    I'll be off to invite folks to your party on MY blogoversary post as well! WOOT! Happy birthday!

    PS What about "break-er break-er 1-9. What's yer handle good buddy?" CB jargon????

  47. Happy Bday amiga. Thanks for the WONDERFUL party:) I'm the irritating one who while a bit late has redeemed herself by bringing a much needed case of Sierra Nevada. Great crowd:)

  48. This was a blast. I've been to parties in person that weren't this much fun. Many happy returns of the day. :)

  49. Hi Becky, Happy Birthday!

    This is my first visit to your blog. . .and it looks better than any birthday party I've ever been to in person. LOVE the Chinese fortune cookies in one photo and message in the next. You're one creative gal. Enjoy~

  50. What a fun day I've had, hopping from one amazing wonder to the next, filling up on cake and fortune cookies, poking around all kinds of fascinating blogs, and chatting it up with you very cool people!

    Thank you for making my celebration day more than Wonder-Full. I've loved every second and it's not over yet!

    And to top it all off, there's pizza for dinner! Yey for Todd picking up take-out! (He knew I'm having too good a time to quit.)

    For those of you nice people who don't have blogs or emails listed and I haven't been able to thank you personally, please know that I so appreciate your good wishes! I'm sending you a great big hug!

    I'll do my door prize drawings Friday morning after I take Sam to school, so drop by then, if not before! (I've got a wonder cooking for tomorrow, and you're welcome then too.)

    Have a great evening, and be sure to take some of the party food with you! Oh, and Mr. Owl needs a ride home. It'll be a fun trip for whoever volunteers. (He gets kind of wacky after dusk--he's a night owl you know.)
    Love, Becky

  51. What a fun party. The refreshments were great!

  52. Thanks for the party! I love parties! I think maybe I should host one soon! So much going on right now, though, so perhaps no time for a party. Enjoyed yours, though.

    And your blog ..... cracks me up.....
    Hope you have a great b-day.

  54. Happy Birthday!

    BTW, I just love your blog. My hubby is French, Parisian, and we agree with you regarding the markets in France. Divine. My husband really misses them!

  55. Your blog makes my day wonder-full. Thank you for brightening our days. Which makes me feel bad that only when there is a reward that we will drop a comment else silence. hahaha

  56. You must look at "OUR" peach water tank in Clanton, Alabama. Thanks for visiting me.

  57. What a fun party! I love the theme of things that break! Who knew it could be this fun?

    I had so much fun coming up with my Wonders of the World post. Of course, my dear sons and the dog helped. This was a very recent event. lol

    Can't wait to see what other people posted!


  58. Ohmygosh...I love it! I'm scratching my head trying to think if there is anything else to break...but I think you got it all covered! Looks like a great party...I'm late (as usual)...and while my wonder is nothing fab...I hope you have had a wonderful day, blog day and bday!!!!!!!!!! Now, we've used all our ex points! : D

    Happy Day!


  59. Oh man! What a fun party! I have always had a thing for water balloon tosses and pinatas...and daiquiris in coconuts.

    Thanks for putting a little party in my life every day, Becky!

  60. I'm at the party late tonight, but I finally made it. Love the butterfly cake. It reminds me of a fluorescent multicolored huge butterfly poster I had on my bedroom wall for years - it was awesome with only a UV light on in the room. Butterflies of all kinds are truly a wonder of the world.
    Breaking the seal covering a box of Godiva chocolates!
    Breaking or untwisting the tie holding the cap in a bottle of Champagne! (as often as possible)
    Breaking the sound barrier to enjoy going faster!
    Breaking your cell phone so you can get a newer, better one! (someone I know)
    Breaking the upper glass part of your first bottle of wine because you forgot to buy a corkscrew! (me)
    Breaking open rocks to see if you might be lucky enough to have a geode !
    Cheers. Coconut - mmmmmm !
    I'm glad I dropped by,

  61. Wooh Rebecca I see your having a wooh time at your Break up Bash ... have fun and don't dring too much coconut juice with additive [I now there has gotta be some additive in there ... ha ha] or else you won't be able to hit the pinata ... have fun ...

  62. I came back for a second visit to the party, just so I could break into a smile!!
    And to belatedly wish you a happy birthday.

  63. wo wowa!! how much fun is this. i loved looking at your blog today, thank you so much
    karin from sunny south africa

  64. Becky, I'm an inveterate Francophile too, and can't wait to read your book. Party on!

  65. One more for you Rebecca -
    GLOW STICKS for a party - yes, you have to bend and break them before what's inside begins to glow. Wow that was a tough subject to come up with ideas for! I always love mind-bending challenges!
    Happy day after Birthday!

  66. What a fabulous idea! Happy birthday to you, and rock on with your wonderful blogging self. You definitely made me smile, and I will DEFINITELY be back here!

  67. yay!!! i'm officially comment number 70!!!! I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....and I want the left wing of that butterfly cake please;-)

    hope your day was terrific.

  68. I thought I was going to be too late (Cindy @ Yapping Cat sent me over) ... woohooo! I'm so glad she sent me - you made me giggle and giggling is better than good. I hope that you had an exceptional time and am glad that you left an open invitation to visit ... oh! I have a break out to enjoy ... those chocolate oranges that you whack to separate the slices - I'd share one with you. :)

    happy, happy birthday! ~M~


Ooh boy, do I love your comments!
Thanks for stopping by!