
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blest Be The Ties That Bind!

Today's Wonder of the World is...Ties!

No, sorry. Not that kind.
But as long as I'm here...Hey there, my handsome hubby in your wide burgundy tie! Hey Celeste! Hey Stu!
Sweetheart, what's with your strange half smile? Are you slightly embarrassed that you and Stu are dressed like Good Humor Ice Cream men?
Just kidding! Ha ha.

But back to ties!
Neck ties are nice, but I'd like to invite you to ponder with me all the wacky wonderful ways we tie one thing to another.

You know, like Velcro!

Flickr photo by David- in Austin
I've always wanted to try that! Except maybe not while looking like a clown.
Though if you wear a suit of Velcro and stick yourself to a wall, I suppose that qualifies you as a clown, stripes or no stripes!

And then there's bungee cords!

Flickr photo by gilligguy
I love to say the word bungee.
Say it.
See how fun that was?
And hey! What kind of camping trip was that bungee cord user going on anyway?
(I don't know about you, but I don't usually take a headless mannequin in swim trunks with me.)

Then there's good old fashioned rope.

Flickr photo by Aphotic Aura
That bridge makes me a little nervous. I've watched too many Roadrunner cartoons.

And frog ties! How I love frog ties!

Flickr photo by rboyne
No! Not tied frogs!

Frog ties! Like this.

Flickr photo by kmjeuph

But when it comes to attaching things, it's hard to beat a roll of duct tape.

Flickr photo by ironicofoeva
Yes! Those prom clothes are made of duct tape!
Haven't you ever heard of a duct tape prom scholarship? It's for real! Look HERE and see the amazing finalists! They should go on Project Runway!

My sweetie Sarah has had her own duct tape fun. She and her friends Sarah and Beth went to the Destination Imagination Global Finals a few summers ago, and brought duct tape guitars!

Okay, so they didn't attach anything, but they were still cool!

And I love this zipper fish.

Flickr photo by raumoberbayern

Call me old fashioned, but my favorite way to tie has got to be the button.

Flickr photo by turnsoleluna

Sarah likes them too.
A few years ago she hid in her room and did this!

If I were a more practical person, I might have been upset.
But I'm not always practical.
I saw that phone and a tear welled in my eye.
"This calls for a BIG HUG!!" I said.
My precious baby is a girl after my own heart!
The buttons might not tie anything, but Sarah always keeps the phone tied up! Does that count?

Have a Wonder-Full Thursday, y'all!
And be sure to tune in tomorrow if you can! Big Changes are about to happen around my house, and I need all the advice I can get!!

Love, Becky
PS. Enjoy this old David Letterman meets Velcro youtube video!


  1. I'm tongue-tied! What a fun post as always, Becky. You're so much fun to read.

  2. Oh what fun! A cute post and I am a fan of the button phone! (Once I did that with a lampshade, using my grandmother's antique buttons).xo

  3. Hi Becky,

    What fun! Your daughter did a fine job on that phone. She is a girl after my heart.

    The duct tape clothing is fantastic!
    Truly amazing.

    Thank you for your very kind words on the kid's anniversary. They were so young-20 and 18. I am so glad they didn't listen to me!

    Sarah in college! She will be just fine. I think it is always much tougher for the parents to adjust.

    many hugs,

  4. Rebecca many of the photos spelled fun.The button phone too cool!
    ..but being a nature lover tree hugger..I did NOT care for one image of frogs tied..not nice..In my garden they eat up quite a few pests.When found in my garden space that is a sign that all is balanced.
    I love your humor anyway. hugs NG

  5. Great post Becky!!!
    I love that episode of David Letterman. I am a big Letterman fan.
    Have a wonderful day!!!

  6. I always wanted to do that velcro thing

  7. are you a clanton person?
    i saw the peach in the background...
    there can't be more than one of those...
    nice blog.. and the retro tie photos are too cool...
    :) Huntsville AL

  8. Thanks for swinging by my blog! Love the duct tape! I will have to send this one to my mom, she took a class last year and had to create duct tape items! Shehad a blast.

  9. Hey folks! I always love your comments!
    Naturegirl, I'm a froggy fan too. Wasn't trying to be mean to the froggies!
    And Larryg, that peach of a peach towers over Gaffney, SC, and I live not too far from it. It's my hero of water towers.
    Brooke, that duct tape site is amazing. Who knew you could create such things. Even my Ben made a wallet. It does get a little sticky in the SC heat, but I bet it's great in the winter!

  10. ohh fun post..I checked out the duct tape prom are talented people..

  11. I have a guess about the big changes! Yes I do!

    I don't know what a frog tie is. Hmmm...what could it be?

    But I have seen the Duck Tape Capital of the World (it's in Alaska of course) and they have a Duck Tape Ball every year!

  12. Tied frogs? Awwwwwwwwww, poor little guys! : D


  13. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it today. :)

  14. Nice thought provoking pics and stories as always. Your including things that don't bind is perfectly fine, because you're using a "liason" to get to them. They are either along the same line of thought, or similar in some way.
    So by taking advantage of a "liason" is actually DOING something that BINDS!

    (I'm working on a balance between brevity and TMI)


  15. Oh so cute your hubby and kids (:) love the duct tape prom too ..glad you came by and I'll pass the Happy B day wishes to Adam..(:) so sweet of you..hugs Patty

  16. tie-frogs????? I think you'd look great as a clown ;)

  17. I so remember this Letterman clip. And I laughed all over again!

  18. holy cvow you are amazing. just found you from another blog and you are amazingly creative. great photos and stories!

  19. Funny post. I love the duct tape prom clothes.

    This is my first visit to your blog. I saw you at Alex's place. I noticed your little icon of the girl next to the peach water tower and just wanted to say that I have a pic of my son in front of a similar peach in Clanton, AL. Someone once said Great Minds Think Alike....I'm just sayin.....

  20. Oh, too funny. I posted first and then read the comments. Someone else beat me to the Clanton comment!

  21. You crack me up! :) I love the button phone. woot!

  22. I couldn't get past the first photo. So funny. Please tell me it was a product of the seven*ties*?
    You are too funny, seriously.


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Thanks for stopping by!