
Thursday, August 21, 2008

And the Winner Is...

The drawing is done!
Woo hoo!
Let me show you the prize.

I'm not an artist, but I wanted at least part of the prize to be something I created, so I included my book, of course!

And this tiny French tin that I adore!

And one of my favorite weird antique French postcards. Here's a better look.

Don't you just love this one? It celebrates Poisson d'Avril, April Fish! Did you know that on April 1st, kids all over France try to tape drawings of fish to people's backs? It's fun!

So there you go.

Now, for the winner...
Ever since Tanner found out about Deb's sweet pug over at Vintage Moon Studio drawing my name, he's been terribly jealous.

Photo by Vintage Moon Studio
So when I got back home from dropping Sam at school this morning, I whispered into one of his velvety ears, "It's your turn, Tanner! Wake up!

He woke up.

I put the all the names in my favorite basket, gave it a good shake, and let him pick.
He wasn't sure of the procedure and his dexterity isn't the best, so I closed my eyes and gave him some help.

We have a winner!

It's Cindy! From Yapping Cat Studio! Yey Cindy!

Apparently the excitement was too much for him.

Night night Tanner!
Congrats Cindy! I hope you enjoy it!
And thanks everybody for playing along! More prizes to come next Wednesday!
Love, Becky


  1. Awwwwwwwww! Thanks Tanner for picking me! I'm sure my kitties will be envious of you doing the picking and will meow for equal time next time I have a give-away! : D

    I'll send ya an email Becky! Thanks again, will look forward to receiving those cool goodies!


  2. Yayyyy Cindy! What a wonderful prize!

    Love all the pictures Becky.


    P.s. Tommy says "hi" to Tanner

  3. Woo hoo, congrats to Cindy! Tanner is sooooo cute. Poor guy was all tuckered out from all that work.


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