
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Some Free Artwork for You!

Today's Wonder of the World is...Free Frenchy Artwork for You!

I call these artwork because I find them so beautiful, but they're really antique Saint Cards from France. You are welcome to copy these images and use them however you wish. They were found tucked in the pages of an antique leather bound prayer book.

This one is of Bernadette Soubirous.

I wrote about her and our trip to Lourdes in my book. I think she's lovely.

Next we have Jeanne D'Arc. Joan of Arc, of course.

It's a pretty one too.

And lastly, we have someone else, whom I'm afraid I can't identify.

Being a Baptist, I'm not exactly up on my Saint knowledge. Do you know who he is? I'd love to know!

Enjoy these, my friends!
Love, Becky


  1. Hi Becky,

    I was raised Baptist so I don't know much about Saints either but I love these vintage cards.

    hugs to you,

  2. Thank you Becky :)!
    You're a sweetie.

  3. Edward has passed on an award he was given to Tanner! He can pick it up over at our place whenever he wishes!

  4. Merci! Wonderful of you to share! Have a Fun and safe 4th of July!
    Sandra Evertson

  5. Beautiful images Becky..thank you so much for sharing!


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