
Monday, May 19, 2008

Wedding Bells

Today's Wonder of the World is... Weddings!

Really, what is more amazing that in this big world, one person can find another and they can fall in love and create a life together, which can be beautiful and change and grow through the years?
It's a Wonder, that's for sure!

By the way, the two lovebirds above aren't supposed to be me and Todd. I found the cake topper couple in a French junk store, which is a mystery in itself since the French don't even use cake topper couples. They traditionally have a croquembouche, a pyramid of cream puffs covered with spun sugar.


I've got wedding bells ringing in my head because of these two cuties.

Don't they look happy?
Allow me to introduce to you my cousin, Lynsey, and her adorable groom, Mike. They got married on Saturday, and I wasn't able to go. Boo hoo. I talked with my mom on Sunday and she said the wedding was so beautiful. I'm so happy for them.

But just so you know, Lynsey is supposed to look like this...

That was Lynsey when she came to my wedding in 1986. Isn't she cute?
Here we are on that day...

Ooh puffy sleeves. Very Princess Diana.

Mom said Lynsey's gown was strapless. I bet she was stunning. I'd show you pictures, but of course I don't have any. I even stole that picture of Lynsey and Mike off her Facebook page. I would ask her if she minds, but I doubt she wants to be disturbed right now.

During our first year of married life, we moved three times. (Thanks, Air Force! No really, we were young and it was fun. Except for that three day crying jag in Omaha, but that's another story.) During move #3, on the way from Omaha to Washington DC, we stopped off in Kentucky and spent the night with Lynsey and her sister Nancy and their parents, my Uncle Lynn and Aunt Sue. Uncle Lynn is a vet, and when I was little he used to wake me up by putting a Pomeranian in my hair.

Anyhoo, here is a picture of us newlyweds at the end of the visit. I'm holding Lynsey.
By the way, Nancy is now grown up as well, with a sweetheart of a husband and two beautiful children, one of whom recently reported that she had her own little wedding and got married to Goofy. It must have been a private ceremony.

Before we posed for that picture, Lynsey sat on Todd's lap at the breakfast table and ate cornflakes out of his bowl. So sweet.
Oh, and nice short shorts, hubby. Kids, if you're reading this, they were the style back then, okay?

Those wedding bells. I can't get them out of my head.
How about some more wedding fun?
Here's my mommy and daddy.

And here is Todd's mom and dad.

Here is Todd's brother Stuart and my sis-in-law, Swanee.

And here is my brother Steve and my sis-in-law Leah.

I was a bridesmaid and cried all the way through the wedding. Not a pretty cry either. I don't know what came over me! I love you Leah. It wasn't anything personal!
Hopefully she knows that by now since it's been what...seventeen years?

And here is Todd's sister Celeste and her hubby, David.

All beautiful brides and handsome grooms.

Now let's look at one more picture, just to wish Lynsey well.

And let's also look at it so that I can point out my cousin Stu's tube socks. Nice socks, Stu!
To the left of Stu is Nancy again, the little mommy, with Lynsey and Adam, who is now a college senior and towers over me.

We love you Lynsey! And we love Mike too!

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. Congrats and Best Wishes to Lynsey and Mike.
    Rebecca thanks for sharing photos of your lovely family and beautiful memories.
    p.s. Is it wrong that I am craving wedding cake?;-)

  2. What a very sweet post....sigh.... wedding wonders never do cease, do they? Thank Heavens for that.

  3. Congrats to the happy couple!!
    Love all of the great photos!!
    My daughter got married this past October. We had such fun!!
    We just got the DVD back if you can believe that it took 6 months to get. It was worth the wait.
    So maybe you can see Lynsey's entire wedding on DVD sometime.
    Now I want creampuffs.

  4. Oh Becky your hubby has great legs(:) the wedding pics and post of all those photos was a real joy to see..thanks for sharing and love the dog Slobber ..hehe cute name--Glad you stopped in and left such a nice note..hugs for now Patty....oh are you FRENCH?

  5. Great photos down memory lane for you!
    I love the dessert craquembouche!!! All that crackle as you bite into the spun sugar...yummo!!

  6. Yep, 17 years this July! I have finally gotten over the fact that no one told me to fix my hair before getting the post-wedding pictures taken.

    I remember you crying, but I thought it was sweet. Of course, I probably had a lot on my mind, so I wouldn't have noticed if you went overboard with the tears.

    I am loving the old pictures, but I'm afraid of what I might see of myself, style wise. Fortunately, I am the only person I know who never owned an official members-only jacket. I think Mom bought me some cheap knock-off, though, which is actually worse now that I think about it.

  7. I love the little wedding couple-I always wonder when I see them in the junk store who they belonged to? What a sweet post about weddings.

  8. Aww Congrats to Lynsey and Mike.

    1986 was a good year.

    You got married, Wole Soyinka won the Nobel Prize for literature, and I was born. *Sniggers*

  9. Hi Rebecca,
    Congrats to Lynsey and Mike! HOW did Lynsey get so BIG?? She is gorgeous! It's fun and wonderful to see all the photos of Happy Weddings on your post today! You were a beautiful bride too!
    Isn't love grand? I'm so lucky to have met my husband, he grounds me in this world!
    Thank you for your kind comment today.

  10. La belette, I LOVE wedding cake! Let's share!

    Thanks tattingchic and rosemary! And rosemary, great idea. I'll ask to see the DVD.

    Attic clutter, you're too funny. No I'm not French, ha ha. I cannot cook nor can I wear scarves without looking like I don't know what I'm doing. I wish I had at least a few drops of French blood in me, but temp pis pour moi, non.
    And yes, Todd's legs are quite nice.

    Hey naturegirl and willzmom! You're sweet.

    Steve, my bubby, your hair was just fine. That slightly rumpled look works for you. And don't worry. I won't post photos that are too embarrassing for you.
    Unless I think it would be fun.

    Adaora, thank you very much. I now feel ancient. I just may kick the bucket any minute now.

    Rochambeau, love is indeed grand. It's a true treasure.

  11. Well, now I have to "speak" up. I can't wear scarves either. They look so nice on some folks, and I TRY to wear them, but everytime I put them on, I look awful - old, frumpy, ... stupid. I have never figured out the art of wearing scarves... Is there one?
    Nice pics! I love to see old photos.

  12. Congratulations!

    I saw a wedding cake topper once in a magazine that had the woman's legs wrapped around the groom! I loved it!

  13. I'm sitting here sipping my first cup of coffee for the day, enjoying your wedding post. Do you scrapbook? Of course I have to ask that question since I design digital scrapbook materials. No, really, as I was looking at your wonderful photos I was thinking how awesome they would look in scrapbooks.

    I'm at my new blog now and loving it! xoxo

  14. PS; I just ordered your book and can't wait to get it. xoxo

  15. Jill! My buddy! Hey girl! There is an art to wearing scarves. My French friend Christine tried to train me, but it didn't take. Oh well. I went to your blog--I hadn't been in a while--and had such a nice time! You and Jim salsa dancing--I'm impressed! And your kids are way too grown up! Thanks for the plug for my book!

    f.o.t., I would love to see that cake topper. That's funny!

    Betty Jo, no, I'm afraid I don't scrapbook. My photo piles are appalling. Really. But I've always wanted to do that--maybe I'll give it a whirl this summer. Your papers are enough to inspire me to try!
    And I hope you enjoy the book!

  16. I was just reading my first response to the comments and saw that I wrote temp pis, when I should have written tant pis, so sorry. I know you don't care, but still. What is happening to my French? Aack.

  17. LOL! You're not ancient. You're face is w/o wrinkles...therefore, you're 'young young.'

  18. Aw, I love weddings! And isn't it crazy how those little cousins grow up? My youngest little cousin just graduated from college and is in the Air Force. How can they let a baby into the Air Force?!?! :D

    Thanks for the post on my blog, by the way!


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